four; mistakes

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Tony and the rest of the team were sitting in the living room on one of their rare days off

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Tony and the rest of the team were sitting in the living room on one of their rare days off. They were relaxing until they heard FRIDAY come onto the intercom.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but it seems that there are five individuals that have broken into the building." Her voice cut through the calm setting like a hot knife.

Sam groaned loudly as they stood from their comfortable positions on the couches. "Of course there are."

"It appears that two of them, both female, have climbed into the ventilation system while the other is-" FRIDAY's voice was suddenly gone with a small beep of the system.

"FRIDAY?" Steve asked quietly. No one responded.

"Shit." Tony cursed loudly, rushing through the halls. "Barton, get into the vents. I'll go down to my lab and see what damage they've caused. The others, start patrolling the building and find those other three. I'll report back with what I find in his file and the cameras about them."

They nodded and rushed off to grab their weapons and then patrol. Tony jogged to the lab then immediately started typing on the computer.

He didn't hear the soft patter of feet on his floor until they were a few feet behind him. He was so focused on his work that when he did turn around he found a gun being pointed at him by some brunette chick, while the blonde walked around the room.

"Tony Stark." The brunette chuckled out, watching in amusement as Tony threw his hands up at the sight of the weapon.

"Where are the weapons." The blonde cut in. She was obviously impatient to get it done.

"What weapons?" Tony asked them confusedly.

"The weapons you took from a Hydra facility a month ago. We know that they're incredibly dangerous and need to take them in." The brunette told him calmly. "We're not planning on hurting any of you." Tony's mistake was to think that they were inexperienced based on their age.

Tony snorted. "That's really what the gun is saying." He retorted. She shrugged at him. Tony brought his foot back and stepped on the intercom that was on the floor. He kept his foot down so that the others would hear her.

"Who wants the weapons?" He questioned her calmly.

"Don't try and do that Stark. Get information out of us for your own needs." The blonde called from the other side of the room.

The brunette rolled her eyes. "Calm down. Our... employer." She told him. Tony cursed her internally. He had hoped she would be more naive and tell him more than that.

"So-" Tony was cut off by her phone vibrating.

"Excuse me." The brunette told him with a smirk, pulling her phone out. "You found them? Great, put them in the car." She wouldn't let her smirk drop.

"I suppose our work is done here, Mr Stark." She put the gun away and stuffed it in her shorts. He immediately reached his hand out and watched his suit come onto his hand. He watched the blonde turn her head slightly and spot his hand.

"Natalie!" She yelled. The brunette- Natalie- turned around and reached her hand out the same as his and he watched in shock when his glove fell apart and onto the floor in a melted mess.

"Come on." The blonde dragged Natalie out of the room and done the hall, while Tony could only watch in shock.

Meanwhile Steve was stalking through the halls  with his shield ready in his arm. He stopped when he heard a small creak, slowly turning around. There he saw a boy with brown hair and a bandana over his mouth and nose.

"We don't want to hurt you." Steve told him as he saw how young he really was.

"We could say the same to you." He said in a deep voice, which surprised him.

"Just stand down and tell me where the others are." Steve said sternly, fixing his stance into a defensive one. Steve's mistake was to assume based on his age.

He didn't respond, gripping his hands into fists. Steve then threw his shield and watched is it bounced of the wall and straight towards the boy. What he didn't expect was for the shield to stop in the air and come back at him at a higher speed.

He ducked at the last minute, and turned around to watch the shield bounce of the walls continuously. When he looked back at the boy he was gone.

On the other side of the tower was Wanda, who had her hands at her sides ready to activate her powers.

It was only when she heard the sound of an object flying towards her did she turn around. A boy with red hair stood before her, his face covered with bandanas and glasses. Wanda's mistake was to underestimate based on appearance.

"What are you doing in the tower?" She asked him calmly, her power circling around her fingers.

The boy simply walked circles around her as if he was circling his prey. Wanda was starting to get impatient with him.

"Do not make me use force." She threatened seriously and brought her hands up to her chest.

Thomas furrowed his eyebrows behind his glasses. He suppose he would have to use his own powers to fight her off.

As soon as she shot at him he used his powers to move one of the nearby shelves in the line of fire, which caused it to hit the ceiling.

A muffled groan came from the vents, followed by loud cursing. Wanda looked up and gasped when she realized it was Clint in the vents.

Thomas held back a laugh and ran past her when she was distracted.

The last one to run into the children was Bucky Barnes himself.

The man was stalking through the hallways while his metal arm whirred quietly in the empty hall. He could sense a presence from a mile away and she knew that.

That's why she was prepared when he spun around to slam his fist into her face. Bucky's mistake was to hesitate when he saw her size that indicated her youth. Behind her he could see the weapons that they had taken about a month ago from Hydra, which also kept him distracted.

He was surprised when she dodged it easily, her bandana moving over her mouth. He suspected she was smirking underneath it.

He swung again at her with more accuracy and was shocked when his entire arm stopped where it was, as if stuck in time.

The girl had her hands up in front of her to face him, her eyes squinted behind her glasses. She focused harder and his arm fell to the ground and took him with it. Immediately she ran over him, taking the weapons with her, as he was stuck on the ground frozen.

All the avengers could think was, "What the hell just happened?"

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