five; anger

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Returning home from a mission was usually the best part

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Returning home from a mission was usually the best part. The air was usually buzzing with excitement as they bragged about all the cool things they did.

But this ride home was silent. No one knew what to say. Apparently they all had powers, although Katherine hadn't used hers this mission she still felt uncomfortable knowing there were others like her that she'd spent the last eight years with.

The first one to break the silence was- surprisingly- Andrew. "You guys... you guys have powers too?" He asked quietly, gripping Natalie's hand as if it was his lifeline.

Thomas sighed from the passenger seat, his hands thumping against the dash. y/n grit her teeth as she drove to the home, not looking at the others in the rear view mirror.

But her gaze snapped back to the mirror when she saw a black car speeding after them. "We might want to talk about this another time." She told them loudly, typing something into the screen on the cars control panel. The car instantly started driving itself. "Let's put our newly discovered powers to use." She saw Katherine smirk and stand up in the back.

"You too?" Thomas asked incredulously. She shot him a look that silenced him- for now. y/n stepped on the center console, opening the sun roof and climbing onto the roof of the car with Andrew following behind quickly, a metal chain in his hands. She shot him an odd look as she saw the back windows of the van open up.

"Trust me." He shouted over the roaring wind. She nodded and only watched as he tied the chain around her arms and waist. She swallowed nervously and then slid down the side of the van.

She stayed stuck to the side of the van and when she looked up his hand was held out, as if keeping the metal chain stuck to the van.

Which is exactly what he was doing. "Come on, do your thing!" He yelled. She nodded, holding her hand out and watched as the front tires of the first car were stuck in place. The car flipped over and exploded making y/n wince.

A roaring was heard and the group all looked up at the sky. A helicopter was seen aiming guns at them.

"They won't shoot!" Thomas yelled from the back seat, cocking a gun.

"Why is that?" Andrew retorted loudly.

"Because we have their weapons in the car and they know not to shoot them." Natalia realized, also taking out her gun.

"They're stupider than we thought!" Katherine yelled suddenly and Natalie shot her hand out to melt the bullets that approached.

y/n was slowly learning to not be to shocked by their powers. But that didn't stop her from gaping at the now melted bullets.

"y/n, now might be the time to use your time thingy!" Andrew yelled down to her.

She nodded quickly and held her hand out, watching as the world froze in front of her eyes. Immediately exhaustion filled her bones. Stopping time entirely took a lot of energy along with controlling it, which is why she usually stuck to controlling a single object.

The car stopped and her friends all piled out of the car to stare around them in shock. Andrew stopped using his powers and y/n was dropped onto the ground.

"Whoa." Natalia muttered, poking a bug that was frozen in the air and watching in awe as it moved with her finger.

"Hey, look." Andrew called to them, looking through the window of one of the other cars.

They ran over and chuckled, seeing a few of the avengers piled into the car. "Look at the sky." Katherine smirked. Y/n looked up and saw Iron man, Falcon, War Machine, And The Vision.

"Man. They must really not like us if they brought their entire team." Natalie muttered.

y/n nodded, keeping quiet. Despite all these years she still felt uncomfortable using her powers for so long due to her past.

"We should go. They'll figure out what's going on eventually." She muttered out, walking back towards the car. The others gave each other worried looks except for Natalie who took out her gun and shot out the tires of all the cars then melted the gun on the helicopter.

y/n waited at the end of the car, waiting for the rest to jump through the window of the door. Once they were she jumped onto the roof, the metal chain being controlled by Andrew to make sure she didn't fall.

She made time start again, relief flooding through her as the pressure was taken off her shoulders, and they immediately drove off while watching the chaos they had caused ensue.

Tony Stark cursed from the air, attempting to shoot at them with his repulses but when he looked at them he saw one melted and the other ripped away from its place in his suit.

He zoomed in on the car only to see another girl crouched on the roof. He took a picture of her and informed FRIDAY to send it to Bruce and start running background checks.

"We're going to find them." He swore to the team as he could hear their sounds of frustration.

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