twenty three; strange

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Peter followed Tony down the hallway, storming past Natalie and Andrew

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Peter followed Tony down the hallway, storming past Natalie and Andrew. As soon as Tony and himself were both inside the lab he shut the door behind him. "Yes, Parker?" Tony sighed. Peter walked towards the computers, ignoring Tony's confused look. He managed to shut off the cameras in the lab for up to ten minutes so he could talk.

"You already signed for me?!" He asked incredulously, turning to face him. "Isn't that illegal?"

"It's not that simple. I'm Spider Man's responsibility. Since you're a minor I have the permission to sign the accords for you. And be thankful I did. Ross won't go easy on them this time."

"That's not your decision to make for me. What if I wanted to go on the run with them?"

"This isn't some school field trip, Peter. You'd be a criminal. Hunted down by the law twenty four seven. You're just a kid-!"

"So are they!" Peter burst. "And y/n is being forced into hiding because they're scared of what she can do."

"I'm not gonna stop any of them, it's their decision now. But I'm not going to let you ruin your life for a girl." Tony grit his teeth. "And that's final."

Peter shook his head in disbelief before storming out.


As soon as y/n left the meeting room she dragged Katherine and Thomas away from it and down to the gym.

She closed the door behind them and locked it.

"What are you doing?" Katherine asked, fully knowing what she was doing.

"I have a plan. I've heard of a man that can help us. But we have to leave tonight. Or else they'll find out about us. Are you in?" She asked.

Thomas looked at Katherine and nodded. "We're in."

She nodded back and unlocked the gym doors, letting them leave before her. Just as she was about to shut it a hand grabbed the door.

A panting Peter walked through the doors, not saying anything until he caught his breath.

"Peter? What-?" She was cut off when Peter pulled her to him by her hand.

He leaned his forehead against hers and whispered, "I'm gonna miss you." Before his lips pressed against hers.

She kissed back for a few seconds before pulling away. "I'm gonna miss you too." She kissed his cheek before walking past him and out of the gym.


It was around nine thirty at night. Y/n, Katherine, and Thomas had already packed and put their bags under y/n's bed- seeing as it was her room they were escaping from.

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