fourteen; confrontation

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Katherine stayed close to bathroom door that led into y/n's room

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Katherine stayed close to bathroom door that led into y/n's room. She made sure that her breathing was slowed down and y/n couldn't hear her slowly increasing heartbeat that seemed to be echoing throughout the entire room..

"As soon as you get Ricky to admit it, you can talk to them about it. But keep it together." Katherine heard her friends voice hiss to herself. Katherine considered knocking on the door but instead continued to eavesdrop.

"Where's my phone?" Y/n muttered to herself as she rummaged through her desk drawers and threw her bed covers onto the floor. Katherine leaned in closer to the door until her entire side was pressed against the wood.

It was silent until a small cheer came from the room. It was silent for a few more moments which she assumed was the ringing of the phone.

"Hey, Peter. Are you free right now?" Y/n's voice said into her phone as she sat on her bed, her head resting on her palm.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm free." The boy stuttered slightly which made her smile.

"Could you meet me at that place you were telling me about? Delmar's?" She asked. Katherine made a small note of that in her mind but was confused. Who was Peter? He couldn't have been in the house because they were some of the only teenagers in it.

"Yeah, I'll see you there in an hour?" Peter questioned her slightly, simultaneously rushing around his room from the sounds coming out of the phone.

"An hour. See you then." She ended the call and put her phone in her pocket. She quickly started rummaging around her dresser drawers for a different shirt to wear.

Katherine decided this was the right time to knock on her door. "Y/n?" She called.

The rummaging stopped and the sound of a dresser drawer shutting reached Katherine's ears. Seconds later the door was opened and y/n stood in front of her with a small, forced smile.

"Katherine." She greeted.

"Y/n." She said back, looking behind her shoulder and seeing that her room was the same as the last time she had seen it- save for the messed up bed comforter and open desk drawers. "Can I come in?" Katherine questioned.

Y/n hesitated but stepped aside with a nod. She opened the door wider so that the blonde girl was able to walk through the door and into the room. Katherine sat down on top of the soft footstool that sat at the end of her bed.

"What did you need?" Y/n asked after they had both settled down into their respected seats.

Katherine thought about how to ask her question. She didn't want to pressure her seeing as she was already walking on eggshells around all of them.

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