nineteen; rescue

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Tony's suits had returned to the tower unharmed three hours after leaving the tower

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Tony's suits had returned to the tower unharmed three hours after leaving the tower. That meant the team would be leaving for Maine the following morning.

The 'Junior Avengers' insisted on going with them but Steve told them no. The four argued for twenty minutes straight until they decided that their powers could be useful and they would, in fact, be coming with them.

The following morning at around five in the morning they all loaded onto the quinjet suited up and cups of coffee in hand- except for Clint, who had made another pot and brought the entire thing.

The hour long ride was spent in silence except for the quiet murmuring of what they would do when they got there.

When the quinjet landed about a quarter of a mile away from the base (in stealth mode of course) the first ones to pour out were Katherine, Andrew, and Natalie.

The rest followed at a quick pace, adjusting their weapons as they walked through the trees and brush towards the base. As soon as they reached a cliff that had a small, twenty foot drop, they could see the base hidden amongst some trees.

There were cameras hidden in the branches but they could have cared less if they found out they were there. They'd find out soon enough, anyway.

The group walked towards the giant doors and Tony stepped forward, moving to place explosives around the door before Andrew and Natalie gave him a look and he stepped back.

Natalie reached her hand out and melted the door knob, shaking the metal off before she nodded at Andrew.

He held his hands against the heavy doors and closed his eyes. Moments later the doors burst open and slammed against the wall.

Natasha gave Steve a look. "And you wanted them to stay behind." She followed the teenagers into the base. Steve made a face but followed anyway.


Unfortunately, y/n had tried to sneak out again. It was in her blood to get out of any situation that put her in danger. Eldon kept good on his promise and dragged her out of the cell, Thomas pleading for him to leave her be and a now-conscious Peter doing the same, his arms reaching through the bars until the guard smacked them with his bat.

Eldon opened a door that had small bars on it. In the middle of the room was a giant chair. "Of course, it's not the same one we used on the other soldier... but it is a nice replica." He forced her into the chair and metal restraints appeared on her arms. "I'd say good luck... but I'm afraid that won't help you." Eldon cackled. She glared at him stonily, the mark on her cheek stinging with the small action.

The scientists that surround her started rushing around, one of them pushing a mouth guard in between her teeth. She kept eye contact with Dread as the scientist got ready to start the process of brainwashing her.

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