eleven; training

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The team all blinked, realizing that they had never gotten her name during the entire conversation

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The team all blinked, realizing that they had never gotten her name during the entire conversation. She laughed but attempted to cover it up with a cough. "My name is y/n l/n."

Tony slammed his hand on the table and stared at her with wide eyes. "Shut. Up."

"No. Thank you." She said in the same manner, her eyes wide in surprise at his actions.

"Are your parents m/n and f/n?" Tony asked you, ignoring the teams confused looks and Steve's scolding one.

"How did you know that?" She asked him and crossed her arms. Her voice took on a slightly defensive tone which made Natasha raise her eyebrow as she remembered what y/n told her back in her cell.

Tony looked at her with an astonished gaze. "Are you kidding me? There was a city wide hunt for you eight years ago!"

She scoffed and the team watched as her entire demeanor changed. To a regular person it would seem like anger but to a room full of trained professionals they could tell she was only putting up walls to hide her true feelings.

"A hunt? Funny, because they're the ones that kicked me out of their house when I was eight years old." Tony gaped and fell back in his seat across from her.

"Why would they do that and then conduct a search party?" Sam asked from the back of the room.

"Because they didn't want it to seem like anything was wrong in their lives. They wanted everyone to think that they were perfect and didn't have any problems like a daughter with freakish powers." She spoke instantly, is if the words had been ready pounce out of her mouth for the past eight years.

Natasha looked at her with a sad gaze. She could relate to this little girl who had only been lied to her entire life by people she cared about, even if she just found out about it.

Tony was still sitting in his chair with a shocked face. "I put money into that hunt. I helped look for you! And it was all fake?" He sounded angry, but not at her. At her parents who had gotten nothing but sympathy from the man for the past decade.

"That's what people like them do. They lie and manipulate to get what they want." Y/n spat with a disgusted look.

"What do you mean, 'people like them'?" Bucky questioned, stepping forward from the group.



The day had come where the rest of the team would be training with Ricky on the other side of the city.

It took around thirty minutes to get there and when they did... they were very unimpressed.

"Is this just some abandoned warehouse?" Thomas asked with a blank face, crossing his arms and throwing his duffle bag aside on the concrete floor.

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