seven; storytime

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The Avengers all sat around a long table in the conference room, looking down at their papers while Tony and Rhodes looked at the security footage from when they attacked

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The Avengers all sat around a long table in the conference room, looking down at their papers while Tony and Rhodes looked at the security footage from when they attacked.

"Let me get this straight." Peter Parker started. He had been called over to review the footage with his mentor and fellow teammates. "Five teenagers that all have superpowers broke in and stole some tech that you guys stole from Hydra?"

"Pretty much." Sam Wilson nodded, running a hand over his head. Steve was looking at one of the monitors that showed him fighting the brunette. Bucky saw this and nudged him. "Hey punk, whats on your mind?" He muttered so the others wouldn't hear.

Steve looked at him with a sad look. "They're just kids. If they're really involved with Hydra then they're probably being forced to." Bucky nodded at his words.

"They didn't look like Hydra. Why would Hydra have a team of kids do their dirty work. Plus they were wearing clothes you can buy off the street." Natasha told the team, thinking through it thoughtfully.

Tony snapped his fingers a few moments later, breaking the silence that had spread throughout the room. "What if they're working with a side company. My mother told me stories about some organization back in the forties that would take kids in. They must have started to experiment on them now." He told them while simultaneously bringing up newspaper articles from decades ago. It showed a man and a women bringing a baby out of an alley. FRIDAY started to read it aloud.

"Two days ago Ricky Burns and Annabelle Raugh were spotted coming out of an alleyway with a baby in their arms. They've been spotted with children from the streets on multiple occasions the past year. Are the couple a possible threat? Or simply good citizens attempting to rid the streets of hungry children? Reporters and police say nothing suspicious has been spotted other then them taking the children. Upon inspection the children are happy and healthy with them. The case has been closed and the couple have continued helping children."

"They sound like good people." Bucky told them, placing his hands on the table. "Where are you going with this?"

"I'm saying that that couple knew my parents. They were friends. But we never went to their house. I know for a fact that they had a son named Ricky. He probably took over and has been raising children and taking them in." Tony dropped his pen that he used to mark on the boards with on the ground, putting his hands in the air. "Boom."

Rhodey rolled his eyes at his friends dramatics. "So how do we find them? That girl you got a picture of," he opened the picture on the projector at the front of the room, "she did something to us." The picture showed the girl crouched on top of the van, all of her comrades piled into the back looking back at them, but they only got a clear shot of her.

"Yeah one minute they were all fighting then the next the tires are popped, our guns are melted, and they're safely driving away." Sam grumbled out, still bitter that his wings had gotten damaged in their road to freedom.

"All we have to do is draw them to us again. Then we can put a tracker on one of them and follow them back to their base." Steve told them, straightening the papers in front of him and setting them back down softly.

They nodded and started to plan out how they would draw them back to the compound.


The team was sitting in the living room. They had been put on probation by Ricky since they had been so careless during their mission and were due to start real training with their powers next week on the other side of town.

"When did you guys find out?" y/n asked them suddenly, standing up and pushing herself up so she was propped on the arm of the couch.

"What do you mean?" Thomas asked with a small grin, shoving her leg so she was sprawled onto the couch once again.

"What I mean, is when did you find out about our powers? Plus, I still don't really understand yours and I'm sure you guys feel the same about mine." She threw a pillow at Thomas as she spoke aloud.

"Me and Andrew were born in a Hydra facility. Our parents ran that branch but were killed after they had experimented on us. When we were three one of the nurses snuck us into a cupboard when it got raided by Ricky and the other heads. He heard us crying and took us here. I found out when I grabbed a spoon and it melted in my hand."

Andrew continued onto her statement. "I found out about mine when I accidentally tripped and was about to fall onto the metal but it moved out of the way when I closed my eyes. We were both five when it happened."

Thomas grinned at Andrew boyishly. "Knew you must have hit your head when you were younger." This caused them to laugh through the suddenly tense atmosphere.

"Okay. My turn." Katherine took a deep breath, rubbing her hands on her jeans. "My parents would... hit me. When they got angry enough. Which was a lot. But I always had this sixth sense that would tell me when something would happen. It would help me fight back against them a lot. When I was four Ricky took me from there directly after my neighbors complained about noise to much. Not that my parents cared until they got thrown into jail for abuse."

y/n ran her hand down her friends back, leaning her head on her shoulder to comfort her as a tear ran down her face. "I always thought that a parent was supposed to love you forever. If a parent doesn't love you how are you supposed to love yourself or expect anyone else to." She whispered, leaning her head against y/n's. A tear fell from said girls eye at her words, taking them to heart.

Thomas frowned at their tears, looking over at the twins to see them also frowning. "Okay. I'll go." They turned their attention to the ginger boy who looked as if he was bracing himself.

"My parents sent me to a summer camp when I was four. They thought it would be good for me to get out. I got lost in the woods for a year. The only reason I survived that long was because I had my powers to keep me alive. I figured out how to use them when I accidentally made a tree branch snap in half. Ricky found me in the woods when I was five years old." He explained, rubbing his hands together. "I hope I can visit them one day. Ricky keeps me updated on how they're doing. I was pronounced dead two years after I got lost."

They all smiled sympathetically at him before turning their attention to y/n, probably the most curious. She had been acting weird since they found out, so it must have something to do with her past.

She inhaled shakily, closing her eyes but opened them quickly right after. "My parents never thought they could have a child. So when they had me they called me their miracle. But I started to show my powers as I got older. When I turned eight my mother threw me out and called me a freak. I passed out from cold and I guess some of Ricky's friends found me. I've always known about them and I've worked to strengthen them in case anything happened." When she finished her story it was silent.

"Wait. I just realized something. How did we even get our powers. The twins were experimented on, but us three just always had them. Our parents obviously weren't powered." Thomas asked to them, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

They shared confused glances, all wondering the same thing. "What happened to us?" Y/n questioned aloud.

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