fifteen; missing

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After y/n's visit with Peter she had headed back  home after a few hours of talking

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After y/n's visit with Peter she had headed back  home after a few hours of talking. She was relieved when she saw the light wasn't on in the living room which meant she wouldn't have to avoid them for the moment.

But all her hopes were crushed when she saw Ricky sitting at the island in front of the door.

"What are you doing up here?" She asked him questioningly. Her fingers itched in her pocket for the button that would alert the Avengers. Ricky seemed too calm for her liking.

"I heard you've been acting strange. I wanted to talk with you about it. And don't worry about the others, they're training with the kids downstairs." Ricky assured her when he saw her uneasy glance around the room.

Unknown to him it was simply because she didn't feel comfortable alone with the man. "Good." She said despite herself. She settled down next to him at the island with a stiff back.
"Do you want to tell me what's going on?" He asked after a few moments of quiet.

"The usual. I just think it's better if I spend some time away from the others. I don't want to bother them with all my problems." She coughed into her fist to avoid the blazing stare that Ricky was looking at her with.

Ricky didn't respond. "You sure that's all?" He asked, a small glint in his eyes.

"Of course. If you'll excuse me, Ricky, I need to finish some work." Y/n walked away from the kitchen and into her own room.

It seemed that her plan was working. Ricky was starting to get interested in her problems which opened the doors to her being able to seek comfort in his presence.

Not much longer and he'd be eating out of the palm of her hand.


Feet stomping against stone was the only sound that echoed throughout the empty hallways.

As soon as the heavy metal door was opened, it was broken. A sharp scream pierced through the air.

A little girl no older than seven lay strapped down to a table in the middle of a small lab in the back of a Hydra facility.

"Please. Please let me go." She sobbed. Her brown hair was stuck to her face due to her tears and her cheeks were swollen and red.

"Shut up." The man in front told her sternly. She stayed silent except for the sobs that continued to spill out of her mouth.

The various scientists were rushing around the lab and typing down information on the computer.

One of the older looking scientists handed a needle the size of a pencil to the same man that spoke. He stepped closer to the little girl who cringed away from the needle. "Don't worry. This is the final dose." He spoke coldly, a blank expression on his face.

She sobbed even louder if that was possible. "No! Please, it hurts!" She begged, her shrill voice rising through the chaos of the room.

The man ignored her. He stepped next to the table with the needle in hand. His dark eyes looked down on her with no emotion before the needle was stabbed into her arm.

The cries of the girl increased if that was possible, even making some cover their ears.

The same scientist that gave the needle over to the man looked slightly concerned. "Are you sure this is correct, Dread?"

Dread nodded his head. "Of course I'm sure. This is what will revolutionize the powered community." He said surely, brushing off his suit.

"But we've only ever tested on children right out of the womb. We don't know how the chemicals will react with an older child's cells and brain growth." The scientist continued.

"Well, then we try again. I'm not giving up on this. Ricky might have a soft spot for those other super heroes, but I don't. This is the future, Michael! And if you aren't with me, then you know what will happen." Dread threatened the older man.

Michael stayed silent, watching the girl with sad eyes. "No need to worry, Dread," he spoke quietly. "I'm as curious as you are."


The team sat around the coffee table with papers spread around the table.

"This is all the information on her we could find from our files." Ricky said from behind the couch.

Y/n swallowed thickly with small tears on her eyes. A little girl by the name of Madeline had gone missing the previous night. While the others had assumed she had been taken by a robber, she knew the truth. Ricky's expression looked troubled but she knew that he was pretending.

After all that's been going on, a little girl just happens to go missing? It was suspicious.

She couldn't help but to feel that if she hadn't of started to dig then that girl wouldn't be gone. But what she could do now would be to take them down and save her.

"When?" Andrew asked quietly.

"We're assuming she was taken around 30 hours ago." Ricky said and he nodded in response.

"I've gotta go." Y/n spoke, her voice a little hoarse. She stood up and started to walk out of the door when a voice stopped her.

"What? Too good to even be around us for more then ten minutes?" Natalie's harsh voice cut through the air.

Y/n stopped and turned around to face her. "I'm sorry?" She attempted to compose herself.

"One of the kids down there is possibly dead, and you just decide to leave? I thought you cared more than that." Andrew tried to calm her down but was doing very little. It seemed that all of them were angry with her.

"I do care, I just-" she cut herself off. From behind all of their backs she saw Ricky with a blank expression on his face. "I just... I can't be here right now." Her breaths were slowly getting shorter and choppier.

"Are you gonna go hang out with Peter?" Thomas said flatly while crossing his arms across his chest.

"Wait, who's Peter?" Ricky asked finally.

"Peter Parker, one of y/n's friends she just met." Katherine spoke up.

"Actually, I've been friends with him for awhile now." She defended.

"And she spends more time with him than us lately." Andrew continued on.

"What, so you're jealous of him now? God, is that why you're mad at me?" She scoffed.

"No, we're mad because you've been pushing all of us away lately." Natalie stood up so she was facing her. Andrew and Thomas glanced at each other and slowly nodded.

"Maybe it's because I need time. I need time away from all of you and you're not giving me that." She said sternly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go."

She walked into her room and slammed the door, digging through her desk for her com.

She slipped it on her ear and pressed the button in her shorts.

"First off, there is no fight, figured I should say that first." She said as soon as she heard the click that meant they'd picked up.


I've officially started the process of writing the sequel even though I'm not done with this book quite yet. (I've only started the cover which is how I've started)

Enjoy :)


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