sixteen; end

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Bucky squinted in concentration, his tongue poking out of his mouth as he laid upside down on the couch

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Bucky squinted in concentration, his tongue poking out of his mouth as he laid upside down on the couch. With one last squint he threw the airplane at Sam's head.

Sam shouted in fright and turned around with an annoyed look. "Come on man, this is like the third time!" He complained.

Bucky chuckled and sat upright on the couch. "Gotta pay more attention, Wilson." He joked. Sam was about to retort when Tony ran into the room with the others following him.

"Y/n just hit her button." Tony panted. Bucky and Sam immediately got serious and walked towards the others.

"What'd she say?" Sam asked.

"We haven't answered it." Tony said immediately.

"Well answer it!" Bucky shouted. "She could be in danger!"

Tony glared at him before hitting the button in his palm. "First off, there is no fight, figured I should say that first." Her voice came through the machine.

A sigh of relief came from the room. "Then why are you calling? We said only to call for emergencies." Natasha scolded slightly.

"This is serious. Sometime last night a girl from the home was kidnapped. Ricky doesn't seem to care that much and he's been acting weird, like he knows something. I think he took that girl to Hydra." Her worried voice filtered through.

"Okay, slow down. How old is the girl?" Steve asked.

"She's like six." She responded immediately.

"They've only ever experimented on babies before that we know of, so why would they start doing this now?" Clint questioned.

"Okay, for now just stick to the plan. If anything else happens then call us. We need to be kept updated, especially on that girl. And if Ricky makes a move, you get out of there." Steve told her.

"Okay. I better get back. Talk to you later." With that, she pressed the button again and the line went silent.

"Looks like we have some more research to start." Bucky cut through the silence.


It had been a week since the incident with the girl and no progress had been made on her case. The Avengers had been researching and researching to see if they could find anything but it seemed they had really covered up their tracks on this one.

On y/n's end things were the same. The team mad at her and y/n getting closer to Ricky. Every night that week she had gone to his office and confessed her worries about the little girl and her powers to him and every night she stayed a little longer.

He had told her some stuff about things going on in the home, but nothing even close to what she needed.

Tonight she was going to bring it up. She had already set up a camera in his office when he wasn't in there and she had told Peter to tell the Avengers that tonight they should be ready to take him in on her call.

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