three; mission

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Even after all these years, y/n still hated being woken up

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Even after all these years, y/n still hated being woken up. When she woke up on her own will and got to lay there she loved it- the sounds, or lack there of, the feeling, and the overall peacefulness.

But when someone or something wakes her, her escape from the world is cut off and that person has to face her wrath.

On this particular day it was Natalie who had drawn the short straw. She heard the door creak open and then hesitant footsteps draw closer to her bedside.

"y/n, come on. We have a mission we have to do." Natalie nudged her softly in the side with her foot, making sure to keep her distance.

"Give me one good reason." Y/n mumbled into her pillow.

"It could save lives." Natalie suggested, an amused smile pulling at the corner of her lips.

"But it could end yours if you don't let me sleep." While they both knew the threat was empty, it didn't take away the fact that she would throw many objects.

"Get up you big pansy. We leave in an hour if you want to shower and eat." A few moments later the door was clicked shut again.

She groaned loudly, rolling out of bed and placing her feet on the cold wood. She cringed at the feeling of the wood underneath her bare feet and felt goosebumps erupting on her arms.

She grabbed her towel from behind the door and trudged into the bathroom she shared with Katherine. At first it was weird but now they had a system that let them use the bathroom in peace. It helped that y/n typically slept in.

After her quick shower she jumped out and wrapped the towel around herself. She brushed her teeth and dried her hair in under ten minutes. She then changed into her designated mission gear, black ripped jeans, combat boots, a black crop top and a black jacket.

After changing she grabbed the bandana she would soon tie around the lower half of her face along with the sun glasses.

Not very protective, but easy to move in.

She stuffed her phone in her back pocket before walking towards the kitchen which was to the left of the hallways which held their rooms.

Their small area was set up with the half living room half kitchen, then the hallway with Andrew and Thomas sharing a bathroom, then herself and Katherine, and Natalie just happened to have her own at the end of the hallway.

The bedrooms were average sized so they could fit a bed, closet, shelf, and desk. They didn't need much space considering they weren't there a lot anyways. They spent most of their time in the main building with the other children to help them get aquatinted with their new home.

When she walked into the kitchen she immediately noticed Thomas stuffing his face. "Really Tom?" She asked him, pushing him away from the fridge.

"What?" He asked innocently, nudging her with his side. She glared at him and took the food away from his hand, stuffing it into her mouth to eat.

He whined, half heartedly reaching out to take it back. Andrew rolled his eyes and continued reading his book from where he sat at the island. He was always like this in the mornings, quiet and enclosed until he got his coffee, which was sitting in front of his book.

She grinned at Andrew, messing up his hair and walking around him to grab a bottle of water. She sat down next to him afterwards and finished off Thomas' food.

He rolled his eyes once again at her, drinking his coffee while simultaneously glaring at all of them.

"We leave in fifteen minutes!" Natalia called from the couch, scrolling on her phone.

She sighed, brushing her hands off and chugging the water bottle, throwing the empty bottle away. She walked towards the mirror on the wall and folded the bandana, tying it behind her head so you could only see her nose up, at least until she put on the dark sunglasses which completely hid her face.

Thomas laughed at her. "So dramatic." He told her teasingly, reaching behind his head to tie his own on. She rolled her eyes at him.

"That's my job." She told him teasingly.

Fifteen minutes later and the group of five was piled into the car, Thomas as their designated driver, Andrew as the passenger, and the three girls in the back seats of the van. Their bags all laid between the seats in the floor.

She buckled her seatbelt, nodding at the two boys. "Go." She ordered them. Around forty minutes into the journey they arrived.

They hopped out the back of the van with ease, looking through their bags. "Did Ricky tell you what we were getting this time?" Katherine asked.

Natalie sighed. "No, like usual." Ricky would often tell them an address and our objective, but not give them the entire story. Sure it was suspicious, but Ricky was their friend and they couldn't exactly question his judgment when he was the one to save them in the first place.

Andrew shook his head. "That guys got issues." He muttered to the group, grabbing his bandana and quickly tying it on. The other girls followed suit and Thomas nudged at her arm.

She punched his shoulder lightly, grabbing her guns and loading them. She waited for the others to get ready while looking over the building. "What are we supposed to do anyway? This place looks extravagant."

"There's this team who lives here, The Avengers. Apparently they have some dangerous weapons that we need back. In the wrong hands they could seriously hurt someone." Natalie informed the group with a frown.

Y/n pursed her lips together, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared over the windows and exits in the building. It looked as if most of them were awake. That would just make their job harder.

She looked at the group once again as Andrew jumped into the drivers seat and drove into a nearby alley, waiting for them to get done so they could make a quick escape.

She rubbed her hands together nervously and looked at the others with a smirk that they couldn't see. She spoke somewhat confidently, "Let's get whatever it is back."

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