twenty two; accords

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Y/n sat outside of the meeting room, her leg bouncing nervously as she waited for the door to open

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Y/n sat outside of the meeting room, her leg bouncing nervously as she waited for the door to open. Peter sat next to her, the same nervous look on his face.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Andrew muttered, hearing muffled screaming from inside the room.

"Who knows." Natalie sighed.

The door clicked open and Ross walked out. His eyes landed on y/n and he narrowed his gaze. "I'll be back in two days. I expect everything to be the same once I get back." His words were directed to Steve but his gaze stayed on y/n.

She shifted closer to Peter who was glaring at Ross, his hand subconsciously reaching to hit his webs under his sleeve.

Ross eyed Peter before walking away and down the hallway.

As soon as she couldn't see him down the hallway she stood up, walking towards Steve. "What did he say?" She asked, resting her hands on the table.

Steve glanced at the other two. "We should get the others up here for this."


"So Ross wants to take y/n in, just because her powers come from an infinity stone?" Wanda questioned, her voice ringing with confusion.

"Wanda's powers came from the stone too." Peter pointed out.

"Yes, we know. But Wanda's are different than y/n's. Y/n was born from the time stones essence, while Wanda was enhanced by the mind stone." Bruce explained to the group.

Wanda looked at y/n and saw her staring at the table with a blank stare. Wanda knew what it felt like to be restrained and powerless, and so did she. For some reason she felt like she had to protect her.

"No way, I know what they will do to her there. She's just a child, they can't do that to her." Wanda exclaimed, standing up from her chair.

"We don't have a choice, Wanda. This is the United Nations. We can't brush this off like last time. We barely got through that unscathed. So we just need to listen to them this time." Rhodes argued.

"I won't let them take her and keep her locked up like a zoo animal." Bucky stood behind her chair, throwing a chilling glare at Rhodes.

"If they think it's the right move to make, then I agree with them. Tony, what do you think?" Rhodes asked.

Tony looked up from his tablet, accidentally meeting eyes with Peter. He gave Tony a begging look.

"I agree. We've been through this before, the United Nations won't mess around again. If anything's different in two days, they'll just get the rest of us for it."

Bucky and Steve stepped in, voices combining as they all argued at once. Except for the six teenagers at the end of the table who sat there silently, all combing over the information.

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