six; past

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Ricky paced in front of the group, his hands wringing together as his nerves got the best of him

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Ricky paced in front of the group, his hands wringing together as his nerves got the best of him. "So you're telling me... that you've all had powers since we took you guys in, and you never thought to share?" He asked slowly, as if taking in all of the information for a second time.

They all glanced at each other, nervous expressions on their faces. The tension was thick after revealing their powers to their beloved friends(or family). Despite this a chorus of "Yeah's", and "Pretty much" were heard throughout their small living area. For some reason it made some of the tension leave the room and their shoulders.

Ricky sighed loudly, collapsing into a nearby chair. His elbows propped up his head on his clenched fists. "No one can know about this except for us. The people that run this place are pleased that you got the weapons back so let's keep them in the dark about this. I don't know what they would do to you if they found out." His words were spoken with sincerity but the apprehension was obvious as they continued looking at each other.

"Who is it that we work for exactly?" Natalie spoke with the others nodding in agreement. Ricky shook his head. "I can't tell you that."

Natalie stood up but Andrew grabbed her wrist and forced her down again. Y/n spoke for the first time since they had gotten back- other then when Ricky had talked to her directly. "I don't know if I can keep doing these missions without that knowledge, Ricky."

Thomas looked at her with a concerned look but agreed none the less. "These powers are unpredictable and you know it. What's going to happen to us if they end up finding out about us?" He questioned the older man with a small quirk if his eyebrow.

Ricky stayed silent, looking as if he was thinking over the words. "Alright. Fine." He eventually gave in. "But you can't tell the other kids." He warned as they got comfortable on the various couches or seats.


The year was 1942. HYDRA was at one of their highest peaks in their plan to take over the world. Captain America was slowly but surely coming into the picture to save the world from HYDRA.

But while the world was split, a small group of people stood by and watched aimlessly as they tore themselves apart from the inside out with their own minds and their various beliefs. One of those people was Ricky Burns, a young man with a dream to rid the world of its chaos.

What better way to start then the new generation. With his wife, Annabelle Raugh, and best friend, Joseph Manfredi, they built up an organization named 'Soldiers BTL'.

They built an underground safe house for them to meet in, which gradually expanded- until one day. The day that everything came crashing down. On May 4th, 1945, Steve Rogers was presumed dead after diving into the ocean to save New York from a missile.

Their organization only boosted and several kids were taken into their custody to be taken care of by them. One day as they were walking down the street, a baby cry was heard down an alley. Ricky and Annabelle looked at each other and discreetly slipped into the alleyway. Ricky reached into his pocket and held a pocket knife in his fist, Annabelle's hand twitching for under her skirt where a small gun was kept.

But their defenses were dropped when all they could see was a box laying half hazardously onto the ground and a wailing baby inside. Annabelle gasped loudly and rushed forward to grab him. "Ricky we have to take him." She insisted before he could get a single word out.

"Of course, darling." He told her, wrapping his jacket around the bundle of blankets to help shield it from the cold weather. A half hour later Annabelle was sitting in their safe house with several other kids watching her feed the baby with a bottle.

Ricky crossed his arms over his chest and watched with Joseph in the doorway. "That poor kid. Who could do that?" Joseph muttered with a scowl.

"A shitty person." Ricky told him with a nudge, nodding at one of the kids who was walking towards them. Joseph and Ricky both kneeled down.

"I'm sorry, sirs, I didn't mean to." They muttered, holding a hand out to a broken glass. Their hand was bleeding slightly but not so bad that it would be considered an actual injury.

What caught their attention was the fact that the cut was already gone leaving dried blood behind. "That's-that's fine, sweetie." Ricky muttered in awe, taking the broken glass and throwing it into a bin. The girl grinned and slipped off happily.

"What the hell..?"

The two men started to dig deeper. One out of concern, the other out of cruelty. Joseph would run tests on her when Ricky and Annabelle weren't around. When they found out they kicked Joseph out of the organization immediately and started to work on building it up and searching for more powered children to help and care for.

But it turns out Joseph had people on the inside. Slowly the enhanced started disappearing out of the building.

But they eventually figured it out and around 1964 it was completely gone. That same year Ricky was born into the business and was taught how to run the house and the business.

He was taught to keep secrets from the others in the house and to never trust others but himself. He knew that if the others found out about the powered kids they could turn into Joseph and want to control their powers.

He couldn't let that happen.

"So that's why you never told us." Andrew whispered into the silence.

Ricky nodded, running a hand over his face. Y/n noticed the wrinkles that ran around his eyes and looked down, suddenly guilty.

He was trying so hard to keep them safe and look what they were doing to him.

"We'll try to keep it under wraps, Rick. We promise." She added with a small glare at the others. They quickly nodded together.

"Good. Cause I think despite myself I've grown quite fond of you. And the work you do for me." He added with a small smile and they all nudged him playfully.

But tomorrow everything would change.


I updated early, as you can tell. I'm so excited for the later chapters seeing as they get much better and more drama filled. But I hope you enjoyed this mediocre chapter :))

Also the dates in the backstory are not accurate as I could not find the real ones, don't roast me.


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