two; family

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It's a strange thing, waking up in a different place than when you fell asleep

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It's a strange thing, waking up in a different place than when you fell asleep. At first you feel confusion, then fear, and in some cases anger or sadness.

That's exactly what the little eight year old was feeling as her eyelids fluttered open, only to see black.

Her eyebrows furrowed together, her eyes bouncing from the shadowed corners of the room wildly.

Then the fear set in, her heart plummeting into her stomach, while simultaneously beating wildly in her chest. Her breath became labored and her hands becoming clammy.

Now since she was only eight years old, there was no anger. And there was no sadness. Just fear and confusion.

She remembers sitting up, her hands feeling the cloth sheets beneath her body. Her eyes squinting as a bright light suddenly burned her retinas.

A figure, looking male, stepped into the light. y/n's eyes widened as she saw him. It was a man, looking to be about mid thirties with brown hair and a stern expression.

The expression fell into a soft smile as he met her scared eyes. He crouched down so he was eye level with her, trying to reassure her with his expression.

"There's no need to worry, little one." The man smiled warmly. "My name is Ricky, and some friends of mine brought you here so we could take care of you."

She tilted her head up at the man. "Why would you want to take care of me? My family didn't even want me." The girl said sadly, picking at the hem of the blanket.

The man smiled sadly. "Well we do. You see, we're a family here. A family that takes in kids who their parents didn't want. So they can have a new family." He explained, leading her into a room filled with other children that looked around her age.

A girl with blonde hair walked up to her, her hair bouncing as she walked towards them.

The girl stuck her hand out. "My name is Katherine Sting, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm y/n l/n. Nice to meet you too." She introduces herself, shaking her hand shyly. The girl grinned, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards a small group of other kids.

She looked back at Ricky with wide eyes, only making him laugh and nod her along. She sighed and went along with it, letting the girl drag her along.

In the group was a girl and boy with brown hair, and another boy with red hair.

She smiled shyly at them, waving at them and becoming more confident once they waved back at her.

The girl with brown hair stepped forward, grabbing her hand and pulling her into a hug. "Welcome home. We stick together here." She grinned. "I'm Natalie Nash." She introduced. She then motioned towards the brunette. "This is my twin brother Andrew."

She smiled, relaxing in front of the friendly children. "y/n l/n." The red headed one stepped forward with a curious look on his face.

"Why are you down here?" He asked bluntly. The blonde face palmed, pushing him aside easily.

"Don't worry about him, he's dumb." She smiled warmly at her. "You don't have to tell if you don't want to. We haven't." She motioned towards the other kids in their group.

She smiled thankfully. "I think I'm gonna wait to tell you. Just to make sure I can trust you." She promised.

The ginger walked towards them, rubbing his head while throwing a small glare at Katherine. "That's fine. I'm Thomas by the way. Thomas Smalls."

"Nice to meet you, Thomas." She grinned at him.

"Do any of you have family here?" She asked them curiosity.

"Only Andrew and Natalia. Otherwise we're completely alone here. Minus each other." Katherine added, a friendly smile on her face.

The two in question nodded, seemingly moving closer together if that was possible. They obviously had a very close bond and had been through a lot together. That was obvious based on the fact that they were always together.

"Maybe we could be each others family." She suggested, glancing at them nervously. Her fingers absentmindedly started to fiddle with her sleeve.

The four glanced at each other before looking back at her with the same grin. "Sounds good, newbie."

Andrew and Natalia put their hands in the middle of where they stood, playful expressions on their faces. Thomas joined in, after that Katherine did too.

They all looked back at her, waiting for her to join in. She seemed more hesitant considering she was the newest of the five. Yet after a few moments of consideration her hand was there.

She had a family that would accept her. She would just have to hide her ability for now.

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