Chapter 5: Nightmares

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The next morning, Skye woke up early as she wanted to surprise Chase with her early wake. Normally, Skye would be called up by Chase during his morning routine.

Skye: I'm going to surprise him.

After a few more moments of waiting, she wandered why Chase hadn't arrived yet.

Skye: That's funny, Chase should be here by now. Maybe he's also pretty tired from yesterday, I'll give him another few more minutes.

But Chase never appeared even after ten minutes and Skye got a little worried.

Skye: I think I better go and check on him.

She walked over to the pup-houses and realized that all the pups were still sleeping, but then Chase's pup-house caught her eye. The door was open. Skye reluctantly took one step in and took a peek. No one was seen.

Skye: Chase? *to herself* He's got to be around here somewhere.

As Skye walked around the pup-house, she saw dark clouds covering the sky. It was going to rain.

Skye: I better find Chase quick.

Skye ran through Adventure Bay trying her best not to slip and fall on the wet surface. The rain did not slow, instead it just kept on getting worse. Twenty minutes had past, and Skye was drenched, she realized that she had wandered of to a place that she had not seen before.

Skye: Where is this place?

She walked in and to her amazement, she saw Chase just standing there, but what she saw next made her cringe. A dark figure was talking to Chase with glowing red eyes.

Skye: Chase?

Chase: Skye? I'm so happy to see you.

They ran towards each other but stopped within arm's length.

Skye: Where were you?

Chase: That doesn't matter right now. Listen, I need you to pack your things and come with me.

Skye: What?

Chase: It all has to end. The Paw Patrol, Adventure Bay, Barking Burg. All of that has to go.

Skye: What are you talking about?

Chase: Leave the Paw Patrol, before they influence you.

Skye: I can't do that. Chase, what has happened to you?

Chase: I found the path, the right way to go. Join me. It is the only way that you can save your friends.

Skye: Chase I...

Chase: Come on Skye, come with me.

Skye: I can't do this. This is wrong Chase and you know it.

Chase: If you're not with me, then you are against me.

Skye: Don't do this.

Chase used one of his tools from his pup-pack to ignite something dark red and threw it at Skye. All Skye could do was to await her fate as she just closed her eyes.

Operation restore chapter 2 is comin out now too. :)

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