Chapter 10: Return to Elemental Valley

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Zack gathered as many soldiers as possible before leaving for Elemental Valley. Ryder and the pups were eager to begin yet another big adventure, but also a little scared at the same time. The last time they went on an adventure like this, they almost lost their lives a few times. This time, they were going to stick together no matter what. Shadow was their guard and spent most of his time with them throughout the travel, Cloud usually dropped by after her patrol to say hello and give them a little reassuring word. The journey to elemental valley would take about a week of walking but if they were to get help, then they have to press on. Ryder and the pups had somewhat gotten used to the traveling time since that was what they were mostly doing in their last adventure. Day time was the usual walking while night used to be filled with monsters everywhere, but they were easily taken care off.

Five days had past ever since they left the base, but it all felt like it had only been two. They were planning on resting when a storm started to begin.

Zack: Blast it. Everyone, find shelter!

The whole army moved in different directions until one group alerted the rest that they had found a nearby forest. When the Order moved in slowly, they realized that something was amiss, but they were unsure what it was yet.

Zack: We'll camp here till the storm subsides.

Again, really sorry for the short chapter so i want to tell yall that i'll try my best to make the next chapter long. So yeah i hope yall enjoy this. :)

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