Chapter 16: Dreams? Or Visions...

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Chase awoke in an environment where he had never seen before, there was no trees or grass anywhere in sight. There was only a white platform which he was standing on.

Chase: Where is this place?

A while later, he could hear faint voices in the distance, but he couldn't identify what they were saying so he decided to move in the direction of where the voices were coming from.

Chase: Is anyone there?

His voice seemed to echo throughout the place where he was in. Chase then saw a house, a really small one.

Chase: I'm going to go check it out.

As he reached the house, the color started to seep in, the house turned from a white bland house to a brown wooden house. Chase pushed open the door and entered, inside there was a small table and chair, as well as a fireplace with an already lighted flame inside. Chase moved by the fireplace to see what was lighting the flame, what he saw was a bunch of wooden planks just tossed in there and was burning.

Chase: Hmm...

Chase then heard the voices again, this time it was clear and audible to him, but what the voices were saying was starting to make Chase worried.

Voice 1: Go, go move!

Voice 2: Clear the area!

Voice 3: Defense positions!

Voice 4: Run!

The voices cleared a little more and Chase heard it right outside the house which he was in. As Chase pushed open the door, he saw the most terrifying sight, flames were everywhere and there were people running here and there, some with firearms and the rest just running away from the area.

Chase: What is this?!

What Chase saw next caught his attention, there were a few others holding ignited things in their hands, these were colored blue and green. There were soldiers just having blasters which shot out red lasers as bullets.

Chase: What are they shooting at?

As Chase entered the clearing, he saw a huge army approaching the town, the army were returning fire as well and destroying many soldiers where Chase was at. Chase then saw the ones having the ignited things in their hands were reflecting the shots fired from the opposing team back to them.

Chase: This is not Adventure Bay at all.

Chase then heard communication going on behind him.

Voice 5: Jason! Protect the tanks!

Jason: On it!

Voice 6: Jack!

Chase saw another one of their ignited swordsman running to who seemed to be the general.

Jack: Connor, what is it?

Connor: The left flank has been overrun by whatever these things are!

Jack: Any word from the right flank?

Connor: None yet, but I'm afraid that they won't hold much longer.

Jack: I'll contact Commander Tarken to see what is going on. You try to hold them off for as long as you can.

Connor nodded his head and took off to the front lines of battle. Chase saw that Connor's hands were slightly metallic as he ran by. He then saw Jack press some buttons on his hand and started talking in it.

Jack: Commander! What's the situation?

Commander Tarken: We're... holding them off to our... best effort!

Jack: Get out of there! We'll find another way out!

Commander Tarken: I'm afraid there isn't! I have a plan. I'll blow up the tanks here so that the enemy can't attack from the right flank!

Jack: But that will kill you and the squad!

Commander Tarken: The squad's already fallen sir! The remaining are ready to sacrifice their lives for the greater good!

Jack: Are you sure about this? You know we always could...

Commander Tarken: I'm afraid that there isn't any other way sir, I only have a few more minutes before I perish with the rest, I can only try to make the end memorable.

Jack: Permission... granted.

Commander Tarken: It's been an honor to stand beside you and the Defenders sir! Let's hope that the chosen ones can rebuild and win this for us.

After Commander Tarken hanged up, Jack heard explosions coming from the right after a minute or so. Chase also saw that and was upset, he overheard the conversation and saw how a soldier gave his life to save others. This reminded him of how Sword saved them last time.

Jack: Smith!

Another person with a green sword moved to Jack's side, and passed him a somewhat metal scroll.

Jack: Take this, and go! Find an escape pod and flee this world! Find a planet called Earth and place this there!

Smith: What about you and the rest?

Jack: We will hold them off for as long as we can.

Smith: But... that will mean.

Jack: Our time has come, but yours isn't. Go now, before they encircle us in!

Smith took off running out of the battlefield. Chase saw that these people wouldn't survive, but then realized that he had to escape too.

Chase: I have to get out of here!

Before Chase could run, a huge bomb landed in and exploded taking Chase with it.

Got a long one for yall tdy.

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