Chapter 12: Jane's Story

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Once the war was done and the deads left, Shadow and Zack led Jane inside the tent that Ryder and the pups were in.

Jane: I forgot how comfortable the tents were...

Shadow: You missed a lot.

Jane: *sighs* I know...

Ryder and the pups had a special mask that they were wearing to prevent the rotten flesh smell from reaching their senses. Shadow on the other hand didn't mind as he was just too happy to see his long-lost friend. Zack didn't know much about her, only some of the details that Shadow and Sword mentioned in the past.

Zack: I'll leave you all here, if you need me for anything, I'm right outside.

Shadow: Thanks Zack.

After Zack left, Shadow turned to Ryder and the pups and then looked at Jane.

Shadow: Ryder, pups, this is Jane, my best friend.

Skye: Hey Jane.

Jane: Umm... hi...

Shadow: She's just a little confused about what has all happened.

Jane: Your right about that.

Shadow: But what actually happened to you? You've been gone for three years now.

Jane: It's a long story...

Shadow: Are you okay with sharing it?

Jane: That should be okay.

Chase: Another story? Yay.

Shadow: This story may not be as exciting as the histories that we told you guys about.

Rocky: Oh... okay then.

Jane: So... that night after our training...

Shadow: Yea...

Jane: I couldn't sleep. What our master had thought us that lesson was really bugging me.

Shadow: The one about the forest?

Jane: Yea.

Shadow: Okay...

Jane: So, I decided to go and check it out. Since it was just a 15-minute walk.

Shadow: How'd you get past all the guards?

Jane: I cloaked past them.

Shadow: What? How?

Jane: I... may have tried to play a prank on you by steeling one of your cloak bombs and returning it later...

Shadow: Wow that explains it.

Jane: Sorry...

Shadow: Its fine.

Jane: Anyways, I managed to sneak out to the forest and entered it... something our master told us not to do.

Chase, understanding what she meant prepared for what she would say next.

Jane: After I entered it, I began to explore. It all was well at first but when I wanted to leave, I found out that I can't.

Shadow: What?

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