Chapter 11: Undead Terror

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The Order quickly found a rather large and cool cave and decided that they would rest there for the meantime. The miners went to work on some gold piles that were there while Shadow went on a small patrol to see where they were. Cloud and her teammates couldn't fly well in the rain especially in storms, so she swapped places with Shadow in protecting Ryder and the pups for a while.

Twenty minutes had past and Shadow and his Shadowraths returned to the camp. Shadow caught sight of Zack and went to him.

Shadow: Zack, you have to come look at this.

Zack: At what?

Shadow: No time to explain.

Shadow led Zack in the direction where they had patrolled and what Zack saw made him shocked. In front of him were belongings of their people with a few pieces of gold laying here and there. Next to that were three eight-men tents, each one all torn and broken.

Shadow: Where have they all gone?

Zack: Most likely what did that *points to the tents* must have chased them away.

Shadow: I'm going in the tents to see if I can find anything useful.

Zack: Be careful.

Shadow moved on first with Zack following behind. When Shadow reached the tents, what he saw inside made him almost throw up.

Shadow: *worried* Zack, look.

Zack: What is it?

Zack was horrified when he saw what was in the tents. There were two bodies laying there dead. With claw marks on their bodies. Shadow moved to the other two tents and saw three in the second and none in the third.

Shadow: Could have been a bear?

Zack: Unlikely, those claw marks look smaller than that of a bear.

Shadow: Then what could have done this?

Zack: Something which I'm not sure off yet.

Shadow: *remembers something* Oh no.

Zack: What is it?

Shadow: I just remembered something, back when I was training with Sword, our master used to tell us of a forest that we should never go to.

Zack: Okay...

Shadow: That forest is inhabited by... the dead.

Zack: Zombies?

Shadow: Most likely.

Zack: Are you saying that this could be the forest?

Shadow: I'm not sure, but if this is indeed the forest, then we must leave now.

Zack: Agreed.

There was a sudden rustle behind them which made Zack and Shadow draw their weapons immediately.

Zack: What was that?

Shadow: The wind?

Zack: Not the wind, listen.

Shadow listens and hears a very faint sound of footsteps not in the distance in the direction of their camp.

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