Chapter 27: It's Not Over

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The next day, Cloud was up early and decided to head out for a morning walk since the morning was cool with nice breezes blowing by.

She was relieved and felt better than normal ever since their seemingly impossible victory over the Ghost Empire and the destruction of their leader Ghostly. To her, this was a victory that she had not had in a very long time.

As she stepped out onto the balcony, she noticed a figure standing there looking out to the skies, it was Ryder. Cloud decided to go and talk to him, but as she neared, she noticed that Ryder's face was not all that joyous as the rest of the armies had been, rather, his face seemed to have a nervous expression to it.

Cloud: Hey.

Ryder: Hey Cloud, you're up early.

Cloud: Yea, I just wanted to feel the cool morning air.

Ryder: It is nice out here... *sighs*

Cloud: What's wrong?

Ryder: Nothing...

Cloud put a reassuring hand on his shoulder to ease some of his worry.

Cloud: What is it?

Ryder: I... know that the victory yesterday was a great reason to celebrate but... nothing really is over if the PC is still functional...

Cloud nodded in understanding, she knew that Ryder was right and that their enemies would keep coming back until they have secured the PC in their hands.

Yesterday was lucky as the Netherworld army came to their rescue before something horrible was about to happen. A second late and Ryder would have been no more.

Cloud: Well, what do you suggest?

Ryder: Well... we have to destroy it somehow... but how?

Cloud: Fire?

Ryder: Nope, it doesn't work. It appears that the PC has developed resistance against natural elements like fire and water.

Cloud: How about dropping it? Like from a really high place.

Ryder: Tried that, it didn't work.

Cloud: Not even a scratch or a dent?

Ryder: None.

Cloud: Hmm... there has to be something, nothing like that is ever immortal.

Ryder: I hope not.

Cloud: Ghostly and his army was, but they had a major weakness.

Ryder thought about this for a while with Cloud before a solution suddenly hit him with such force that he almost lost his mind.

Ryder: I got it! I got it!

Cloud: Calm down, what is it?

Ryder: Why haven't I thought about this before? This is it!

Cloud: What?

Ryder: Okay so, in Minecraft there is a dimension that you can go by using a special portal.

Cloud: The Nether?

Ryder: No, not there. Another place.

Cloud: Another dimension?

Paw Patrol: Ghosts Of The Past (SQUEAL TO PAW PATROL MEETS MINECRAFT)Where stories live. Discover now