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As Ryder and Cloud went to grab whatever materials they needed for their next move, they didn't notice a dark hooded figure standing on one of the sand dunes with dark red eyes watching them.

???: Impressive, you really have a way with people Ryder. Ghostly is now destroyed and his army is scattered throughout the world, but not for long. You may have the idea of destroying the PC, but as you do, you will find out that you would have not saved anyone, but you would have brought this war to the final battle that will be right at your doorstep when you least expect it.

The dark figure then moved away from the sand dune he was standing on and disappeared from sight.

Well, this is the official ending for my 2nd story; Paw Patrol: Ghosts Of The Past. Again, I'm really sorry for the extremely long wait but i hope you all did enjoy, and keep your eyes out for the 3rd sequel.

Till the next one, JSD out ;)

Paw Patrol: Ghosts Of The Past (SQUEAL TO PAW PATROL MEETS MINECRAFT)Where stories live. Discover now