Chapter 22: Thoughts

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The next morning, the Order and the Elementals started to gear up and prepare for the oncoming battle with Ghostly and his Ghost empire.

Ryder and the pups were happy as they could sit this one out as it made no sense to bring them into the conflict if it wasn't necessary, plus, the PC would be much safer here than somewhere in the warzone.

As final preparations were being made, Cloud stumbled upon a picture while organizing her things which surprised her.

The picture showed her mom and herself opening some Christmas gifts, but what caught her attention the most was her older brother Sky, who was smiling as he watched us open the gifts with his arms around her.

Cloud started to tear up after looking at the picture, she never realized how much Sky actually loved her and had always thought that he had left to join the Chaos because he hated life with his home and his family. Skye did indeed notice Cloud with the picture and went over to comfort her.

Skye: Hey...

Cloud: Hey Skye...

Skye: What you got there?

Cloud: It's a picture... of my family when I was young...

Skye: Can I see it?

Cloud: Sure.

Cloud gave Skye the picture and Skye immediately began to observe the picture with excitement, it was the first time she had actually gotten a chance to see a family of one of the Order's.

Skye: Wait... that's your brother isn't it?

Cloud: Yea...

Skye: What's his name again?

Cloud: His name was Sky. Similar to yours actually, just without the 'e'

Skye: Haha that's cool.

Cloud: Yea, he always loved the skies just like you do. You both might actually get along well...

Skye: Yea... if only he wasn't with the Chaos.

Cloud just sighed, she knew that it was true, but why? She could not stop thinking about what he said to her when they met up back at the forest that time. Cloud always thought that whatever he said was just an excuse to cover up for what he did though she wasn't sure of that yet.

Cloud: I'm just... going to grab some supplies okay?

Skye: Okay.

Cloud left the area to gather her wings leaving Skye by herself.

Skye: If he truly loves you... he'll know what he's doing is wrong...

Just then, Zack's voice shouted across the room and everyone there already knew what this was.

Zack: Ok listen up! Today, we will march to Ghostly's homeland and put an end to his reign once and for all! Today, all lifeforms will remember this day no matter the outcome, as the day we no longer fear the wrath of the Ghost Empire!

The Order and Elementals cheered as they started to move off towards whatever destiny lies ahead for them.

Paw Patrol: Ghosts Of The Past (SQUEAL TO PAW PATROL MEETS MINECRAFT)Where stories live. Discover now