Chapter 21: The Future?

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That night as Ryder and the pups slept, Chase couldn't stop tossing and turning around trying to find some means of comfort to help him get to sleep but to no avail.

Seeing that this was pointless, he woke up and went towards the Lookout door and into the Lookout, he hoped to find some means of snack or drink that would hopefully ease him a little.

Chase: Maybe the snacks are upstairs.

Chase took the elevator upstairs and went towards the big screen in front where he found some pup-treats left over from the movie night that time.

As Chase began to munch on the snacks to clear his thoughts, he started to think about what to do next.

Chase: *sighs* After Ghostly, we still have to find a way to rid the PC once and for all if we ever hope to return to our normal lives... if anything, I just hope that nothing bad happens to my team... even Skye... at least we are sticking together now...

Chase was still thinking about this when he realized something.

Chase: At least I'm home with the rest of us... wait... home??

Chase then realized that he was in a different environment, he was back home. But how? He was in the Elemental's base before he slept... and now he's here?

Chase: Was... this whole adventure... a dream...?

Chase then heard a hum of engines from the sky and rushed out to the balcony to see. What he saw was three large ships landing at a far area in the forest region.

Chase: Wow...

Chase grabbed his pup-pack and went towards the direction where the ships had landed. As he ran through the forest, he started to hear shots firing. He reached the clearing only to find a battle that was going on, one side having armored soldiers with helmets which covered their faces, and the other side... with the dark nightmares that he saw in his dream a while back and this time, it was not just one, but a whole army of them.

Chase: What is going on??!

Just then, he saw multiple people in the front lines fighting off those dark nightmares with glowing swords. Chase then realized that those were the same swords that he saw in the other dream he had with the wooden house.

But what Chase saw next gave him a shock. Chase saw Skye flying a pink plane which the design Chase hasn't seen before. There were multiple planes following her lead.

Skye then fired multiple rockets at the opposing team, eliminating their tank while the rest followed suit.

Chase: Wow, Go Skye!

Before Chase could say another word, he saw Skye's plane shot down with one of the turret guns from the dark team.

Chase: No!

Skye's plane crashed landed somewhere in the forest somewhere near him. Chase ran towards the location following the trail of smoke that emitted from the area where the blast hit the plane, awhile later, he saw multiple parts of Skye's plane scatted around him from the wings to the tail. He looked around for Skye, hoping that she was still alive somewhere.

After a while of searching, he saw Skye underneath a part of the plane's wings and ran over to her. Skye was badly hurt from the crash but Chase could see her breathing meaning that she was still alive.

Chase turned her around so that he could see her face and saw that she had multiple cuts near the mouth and eyes, but nothing too serious. The sight of Skye made Chase's eyes start to water. The only thing that was keeping him from breaking down was the fact that Skye was still alive. Chase just leaned near to her, hoping that she would somehow awake and know that he was there for her.

Chase could still hear the faint sounds of shots being fired as the battle raged on but didn't care about that at the moment. Chase then reached out with his paw and stroked Skye's forehead, careful to avoid any contact with the cuts and as he did, Skye awoke.

Skye: *weakly* Chase...

Chase: I'm here Skye don't worry.

Skye: Why....

Chase: What is it?

A rustle was heard and Chase saw four soldiers, each with dark purple armor emerging from the trees and rush towards Skye. Chase moved aside to let the soldiers do their work.

Soldier 1: What's her condition?

Soldier 2: Not good, she badly wounded.

Soldier 3: I'll keep watch.

Soldier 4: Skye, can you hear me?

Skye: Blue-Eye... is that...

Blue-Eye: It's me, don't worry we'll get you to safety.

Soldier 1: I'll get the air support.

Skye: Why... did...

Soldier 2: Her heart rate is dropping.

Blue-Eye: Skye, you have to stay awake.

Skye: Trying...

Blue-Eye: Where's that air support?

Soldier 1: They can't make it through without getting shot sir. We'll have to move her to the evac zone ourselves.

Blue-Eye: Hang in there Skye.

Blue-Eye picked Skye and gathered his team, they made a quick plan and made a dash into the forest leaving Chase trying to catch up behind.

Chase: Guys wait!

But no reply was heard in response, it's like they couldn't even hear him or... that he was not even there.

Chase desperately tried to keep up, but the soldiers were too fast and were about to get out of sight.

Just as Chase was about to lose sight of them, he heard Skye say something that only seemed to be audible by him, but what Skye said to him made him stop in his tracks.

Skye: Chase...why did you do this?

As Skye vanished into the trees, Chase just stood there wondering whatshe meant as the world slowly faded around him.

Okay, I will continue to upload later if i can, right now, I'm gonna take a rest. Not feeling so well. 

Jude out.

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