Chapter 14: Memories

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As the army travelled, the weather begun to shift slightly, from a nice but hot sunny day to a cool, cloudy climate. This sudden change of weather had an effect on the Order. Most of them relaxed, cooled down and even picked up their walking pace as they now didn't have the hot sun barring down on them. Zack and Shadow also noticed this and smiled, they haven't seen such a climate like this in so long. Zack decided to set camp at that very spot to ease everyone's stamina and let them have a drink or a bite.

The Order had also learnt how to cook the food that they obtained from the animals such as cows, chickens, sheep, and pigs. They also managed to tame and saddle many horses they came across just to help them with whatever they were carrying.

Ryder and the pups also relaxed under a nice shady tent and were just having a little snack. A nice cool breeze of air blew past them refreshing everyone from their heat.

Skye: It's been so long since we ever had a breeze like that.

Ryder: Your right about that.

Chase: When was the last time we felt it?

Ryder: Well... if I'm not mistaken, that would be around... maybe three months ago.

Rocky: That is really long ago.

Zuma: Ever since this PC thing came into our life, things were never the same again.

Ryder: Look... I'm sorry I bought the PC... if I haven't bought it... none of this would have happened.

Marshall: Don't take it so hard on yourself Ryder.

Skye: Yea, none of us would have expected this to even happen.

Zuma: Yea.

Chase: Well... actually... its all my fault... look...If I didn't...

Skye: Chase, its okay. We forgive you.

Zuma: Same here.

Chase: You see I...

Skye could see that Chase was starting to tear up a little, so she moved closer and stood right next to him hoping that it would help comfort him a little. It worked, and Chase just wiped his eye with one paw before returning where he was before, but inside, he was still troubled by something which he didn't know why.

Chase: I'll... just head out for a while.

Chase left the tent and the others got a little worried that Chase was not himself but also knew that he probably needed some time alone to calm down, but they also decided to ask Skye to head out with him, since they noticed that their friendship was most likely the closest amongst the rest.

Ryder: Hey Skye.

Skye: Yes?

Ryder: Do you mind heading out for a while and perhaps like comfort Chase?

Skye: Sure. Just...

Ryder: Yea?

Skye: Just don't think that there's anything going on between us okay? Well, in other words, just don't get the wrong idea.

Ryder: Haha, don't worry Skye I won't.

Skye flashed Ryder a grin before leaving the tent to join Chase who was just staring in the distance.

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