Chapter 19: The Story

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Zack: V, tell me what happened.

V: About your father?

Zack: Yes.

The rest who were in the hall quickly took a seat and prepared themselves to listen to the story.

V: Your father that time was a great warrior. Most likely even the best in the Order.

He had managed to push back countless attacks by the natives so much so that the Order made him the leader.

Shadow: I guess that's where your leadership skills come from Zack.

Zack: Maybe.

V: One day, an army comprising nine out of fifteen native tribes attacked the Order's camp.

Zack: How many soldiers were in the camp?

V: Some of my elementals kept watch and noticed that your father was one of them.

Zack: Who else was there?

V: Along with your father there were just archidons and Speartons.

Zack: What happened?

V: Your father ordered the army to retreat into the forests.

Shadow: Retreat?

V: Yes, but it was a smart idea.

Zack: Why is that so?

V: As the Order's camp retreated into the forest, the natives instantly picked up speed and chased after them.

Shadow: I think I know what happens next.

V: The natives ran into the forest and the next thing they knew was that they had walked into a death trap.

Shadow: Here comes the archer rain.

V: The archidons started to rain arrows down on the natives from the treetops, and since it was night, the natives had no idea where the arrows were coming from.

Zack: And the native army got severely lowered and that's when the Speartons charged in.

V: Correct. The Speartons charged in and finished off the remainder of the natives.

Shadow: That was some leadership.

V: When the battle was over, they Order realized that they hadn't lost a single life.

Ryder: Wow...

V: When the Order's camp returned back to their base, they told everyone what had happened and soon enough, your father was given the golden spear, shield, amour, and sword which can only be given to a very special unit.

Zack: So, it's true.

V: He became the Order's first ever Golden Spearton.

Ryder: Woah... golden now?

Zack: Golden Speartons are the most strongest warriors of all.

Shadow: What happens next?

V: Two months after the event happened, there was a disturbance.

Chase: Was it Ghostly?

V: It was, but he wasn't known as 'Ghostly' that time.

This was the first time he ever showed his face.

Shadow: He attacked them?

V: The same way how he's attacking yours. *gestures to Ryder*

Ryder: Was the outcome different?

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