Chapter 25: Zack Vs Ghostly

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The soldiers all moved aside letting Zack and Ghostly have most of the space to themselves.

Many of the soldiers both Order and Elemental wanted to destroy the ghost leader once and for all, but Zack had commanded them not to.

He wanted to avenge his father's death and knew that it was right to do this alone... in his way.

Ghostly: You have the courage, I'll give you that, to challenge me to a fight with no aid, is seriously an achievement few have achieved.

Zack: No matter the outcome today, you can be sure that you will not survive. Your powers are now no longer available to you, so only skill and force will determine the outcome of this battle.

Ghostly: But I can still have the joy of destroying you before I fall to the hands of your soldiers.

With that, Ghostly lunged himself at Zack with his battle axe raised and ready to strike, but Zack rolled out of the way and prepared for a counterattack.

Zack swung his spear at Ghostly's leg scoring a hit and damaging his armor.

Ghostly: Impressive... I haven't seen a warrior this skilled in a long time.

Zack attacked again, but this time it was blocked by Ghostly's heavy shield and countered by a battle axe to his arm. Ghostly had landed a hit that was more damaging to Zack' armor.

Behind Zack, the Elementals and Order were cheering for Zack, encouraging him not to give up.

Zack got up and dove right at Ghostly with such speed that Ghostly didn't have time to react causing more damage to be done to his armor.

Then Ghostly drew both his battle axes and attacked Zack directly. Such a direct attack was easily blocked by Zack's shield and easily countered.

The battle was fierce with both sides land some hits but not sufficient enough to cripple their opponent.

There was only one problem... Zack was getting tired. Ghostly took this opportunity to deal a heavy blow to Zack's chest armor causing cracks to form on its surface.

Ghostly: You see Zack, the one thing that we ghosts will always have the advantage is that we will never get tired.

Ghostly slashed his axes at Zack and then kicked him causing Zack to fall.

Ghostly: Now, I will destroy you, and will have successfully completed what I have started a long time ago.

The armies were shouting at Zack, some in panic and others in sadness. They didn't want Zack to die, he had led them in many battles and were successful. Zack knew this and was trying to get up but couldn't, he was too badly hurt and fatigued to continue.

But just then, a memory popped into his head, the day when he was appointed as the leader of the Order Empire and how the people had cheered as the role was passed on to him.

The same people that cheered him before were standing before him today, about to watch him die at the hands of Ghostly.

No! he couldn't accept this, not while there were still people that needed him as their leader.

Just as Ghostly's axe was about to strike his head, he dodged it and kicked Ghostly off him as he stood once more.

He could hear the armies cheering behind him and knew that he couldn't fail them.

Zack: I'm not finished just yet.

Ghostly: You are resilient, but you are almost dead.

Zack: As long as I draw breath, I will not yield to defeat by giving up!

Ghostly: Very well, die Spearton!

Ghostly and Zack charged straight at each other with their weapons at ready.

Both sides blocked and attacked twice before smashing their shields against each other causing them to be thrown back a little.

With a last burst of strength, Zack jumped straight at Ghostly who was slightly dazed from the shield collision with his spear aimed right at his heart. Ghostly tried to block the attack but it was too late, the spear pierced through Ghostly's chest and he stopped fighting.

Zack: *panting* Goodbye... Ghostly...

With that Ghostly fell to the ground and disappeared from sight, leaving only a golden crown that ever marked his existence.

Ghostly was dead.

The armies erupted in cheers as Zack dealt the finishing blow with them some rushing forward to pat him on the back and others going to loot the Ghost territory.

Amongst all the happy chaos, Zack also noticed many dead bodies of fallen Order and Elemental soldiers that fought in an effort to destroy the Ghost Empire.

Zack then raised his hand to silence the armies and made his statement.

Zack: Although we have done something that was thought to be impossible, let us remember those that have fallen to make this possible!

There was a moment of silence to honor the ones that have died to help achieve this victory.

After that moment, the Order and Elemental soldiers went on to loot the place clean of anything useful that they could find while Shadow, V and Cloud went to Zack.

V: You did it. You defeated Ghostly.

Shadow: Yea, who would have thought it.

Cloud: We are actually going to walk out of this place, I can't wait to see Ryder and his pups again!

Zack: Although I have defeated Ghostly, I feel that the real hero today was Jane, and you Shadow.

Shadow: Me?

Zack: You managed to break Jane from that curse she was on and convinced her to come and help us out, you also stopped us from retreating when we had the chance.

Shadow: I didn't think about that.

Cloud: Sometimes there can be multiple heroes in one battle.

V: I agree, if we're done looting this place, I suggest we head back.

Zack nodded and addressed the troops that were awaiting their command.

Zack: Our next destination: Elemental Valley!

The Order and Elementals cheered as they followed their leaders out from the twin mountains and back to their home.

Paw Patrol: Ghosts Of The Past (SQUEAL TO PAW PATROL MEETS MINECRAFT)Where stories live. Discover now