Chapter 20: Preparation

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After Zack had calmed down, he went to the generals of the Order and explained them what must be done.

Zack: Alright listen up, Ghostly has pushed limits too far this time by going after innocent lives with the inability to defend themselves. We cannot allow this to go on, and this is why we must put an end to Ghostly's reign once and for all.

General 4: But how? Ghostly's troops will respawn if we kill them.

Zack: They must have a source, a source to their power.

Cloud: How would you know for sure?

Zack: To be honest, I don't even know.

General 4: Then why are we even doing this?

Shadow: Because innocent lives are at stake, and we all know very well that Ryder has the PC.

General 4: So?

Shadow: If the PC gets into Ghostly's hands, he can use it to grant him and his army much more power than he ever knew.

Cloud: Meaning that he could take over Immorta completely by himself.

Zack: Not just our home, but this whole world that we're in too.

Shadow: Which is why we have to give it our best shot at this. Even if there is possibly no room for success.

Cloud: Though I do believe there is.

Zack: Why are you saying that?

Cloud: If Ghostly didn't have a weakness, we would have all been goners by now.

Shadow: Hey, you're right!

Zack: Then it's time to make our move.

Zack then dismissed the crowd and went on to prepare his troops for battle.

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