Chapter 7: Arrival And Message

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Ryder didn't forget the path to the Order's base, so they didn't have much trouble locating them. Once they were in the clear, they saw the base far off in a distance. As they neared, they could see some archidons on the top walls. Most likely acting as snipers and watchers. A while later, one of them saw Ryder and the Paw Patrol and ran off towards the ladders which will lead them down. Few seconds later, a voice was heard telling some troops to open the gates. Once the gates opened, out stepped two generals who Ryder and the pups recognized fully. It was Zack and Shadow, their friends who helped and protected them during their last journey.

Zack: Welcome back my friends. I'm sure the place wasn't too hard for you to find.

Ryder: I wasn't actually. I remembered the pathway you showed us when you were escorting us home about a couple of weeks ago.

Shadow: Not bad. So, what have you come here for? Just a visit maybe?

Ryder: I really wished that it was, but I'm afraid that we have run into some problems.

Zack: What kind of problems?

Shadow: How about we talk over lunch?

Chase: Great idea!

Zack: Okay, let's go.

Zack led the group into the dining hall where there was a wide selection of different varieties of food everywhere.

Zack: Help yourselves.

Shadow: When your done taking, table's over there. *points to the right corner table*

Ryder: Got it.

Ryder and the pups spent the next five minutes choosing what they would have for lunch before finally selecting their choice and moving to the table.

Zack: Are we all here?

Ryder: Yea.

Zack: Ok, so you had something that you wanted to tell us?

Ryder: Yes. It's something bad.

Shadow: What is it?

Ryder: One of our friends got attacked by a ghost last night.

Zack: A what?

Ryder: A ghost soldier.

Shadow: Do you believe him?

Ryder: I was not to sure about it, but when he called me early in the morning, his voice was still a little shaky.

Shadow: Did you ask him what the ghost looked like?

Ryder: No. I didn't.

Zack: It doesn't matter. I know the cause.

All eyes shifted to him.

Zack: It's Ghostly and his empire.

Sorry about the short chapter. just want to let yall know that i'm having tests back to back lately and i can only write this b4 i go to sch. :)

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