Chapter 17: Arrival

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The next day started of with a nice cloudy climate which moved on to a light rain later during the day. Zack was still amazed by how the weather was changing this fast. Shadow had completed his morning scout and was now having a snack, Cloud just flew through the air with few of her comrades clearly enjoying the occasional breeze that blew past them every few seconds.

While everyone was enjoying this weather, Chase stood out from the rest in deep thoughts, the dream he just had was disturbing to him. Although he knew that the dream spoke nothing of the Paw Patrol or even their home, he still was wondering if the dream was true and that their world is not the only one out there. Chase knew that this was just a dream, but also knew that this was too real to be just a dream.

Ryder quickly noticed this and went over.

Ryder: *thinks to himself* Ever since this whole thing started up, some of my pups have been showing signs of disturbance. I'm afraid that all the action is causing a side effect on them... or maybe... it's something else altogether.

Ryder didn't know why all of these things were happening now and why they were even affecting the pups, but all he knew is that it was happening mostly to Chase only. Ryder thought that this might be the best chance to get something out of Chase that might be of use.

Ryder: Chase?

Chase: Hey Ryder. Anything cool?

Ryder: Not much, but I was just wondering...

Chase: What is it?

Ryder: Well, I just happen to notice that you were slightly off on your mood just now.

Chase: Oh... its nothing...

Ryder: Are you sure? This has been happening quite a few times lately, are you sure you are okay?

Chase: *sighs* Okay... well, its just another dream I had.

Ryder: Okay...

Chase: But strangely, this dream wasn't about any of us.

Ryder: Hmm... that is interesting...

Chase: Rather, it was about... another group of people but...

Ryder: But what Chase?

Chase: The people were... scared... they were crying out for help and... running away...

Ryder: What?

Chase: I saw all these, then I saw another group of people... but this group was helping the people escape and had some gadgets with them...

Ryder: What did the gadgets look like?

Chase: There were a few holding colored glowing sticks and the rest holding some sort of well-designed thing which shot out some sort of red lasers.

Ryder: Never heard of it before...

Chase: That was not the worst part... when I moved out to see what they were shooting at, I saw an army of hooded things... I didn't know what they were but I saw that they had... dark red eyes... and they were firing their own red lasers back.

Ryder: I... don't know what to say...

Chase: I also heard a commotion going on behind me...

Ryder: What was it about?

Chase: They were sayin...

Chase didn't get a chance to finish his statement as Zack had informed the whole army that they had finally reached Elemental Valley which caused a great cheer from not only the Order, but from the elementals as well.

Ryder: We're here!

Chase: Let's go and see what's happening!

When they moved into the clearing, they saw that Zack was already walking towards V.

V: Greetings, what brings you today?

Zack: I'm afraid that there is something serious going on and we need your help.

V: Hmm... from the looks of this, you've even brought an army along, so this indeed must be serious.

Zack: We have much to discuss.

V: I suppose so, Come inside.

Zack motioned his army to follow him inside the fortress of V and his elementals. The elementals didn't mind the fact that the Order had arrived and neither did Flame who was accompanying them throughout the way.

Ryder: I hope that this will help us.

Chase: I hope so too.

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