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Senas P.O.V


haha lol.....sure u were;)........

We were talking for ages that I didn't even realise went time went by...I took a glance at my alarm clock...it was 6am...wow...4 hours we have been talking....I have never in my whole life texted someone for that long....the conversation didn't even get boring...that surprised me even more........

I was somehow glad he wasn't the abu bakr from my school....I wouldn't think about talking to him....but this boy seemed different...although even after him telling me he was from another school and he lived in South Shields I don't know why I still felt he was somehow lying.

Anyway I learnt so much about him...he had a great sense of humour and seemed really caring....I was so tired after the 4 hour conversation that I had with abu bakr....I didn't even realise when I had fallen asleep..........................

 "SENA!"......"SENA GET UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!".......I opened my eyes to see my mum screaming her head off trying to get me out of bed...."ok ok I'm up".....I said slowly getting up....god one day my ear drums are gonna burst for sure. My mum started yelling again giving me a long lecture so I just got out of bed and ran into the bathroom before I lost my hearing...

You & Me...Together Forever??...(A High School Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now