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When I got out of the bathroom and got my uniform on....I went back to my bed and picked up my phone...realising I didn't log out of twitter last night after talking to abu bakr....I clicked on my notifications and noticed I had two messages from abu bakr....which I think he wrote to me after I fell asleep....

From: @abubakrpervaz:

u ther love...oh after talking for hours u must be tired.....if yur sleepin thn gudnyt:))

Love! why on earth would he call me that...he hardly knows me....weird....the next message read:

From: @abubakrpervaz:

sweet dreams:))...It was great tlkin 2 u...hope we can chat 2 each otha again sumtym:)....

I decided to write back to him......


soz...I fell asleep last nyt....nd yh it was great talking to u 2:)).....

I logged out of twitter and put my phone into my bag.....why am I still getting the feeling that I know him from some where even after he told me he lives in South Sheilds....maybe I'm just thinking this cause of his name...oh forget it...why shall I bother thinking about this so much....I shurgged at the thought and opened my bedroom door...I was just about to make my way downstairs until...."SENA!"....oh god...not again...my mums gonna kill me...may god save me now........

You & Me...Together Forever??...(A High School Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now