Finals Road

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One Week Later

Jade and LJ were on their way back to Vegas. LJ was crashed out on the passengerside. Jade took this chance to take a selfie. She pulled into the gas station and put her truck in park. She quitely took her seatbelt off and turned on her face front camera. She smiled and LJ was still sleeping. She snapped the photo and laughed at it.

She got out of the truck to pay for diesel. By the time she was walkin out, LJ was waking up. Jade made it back to her truck and put the munchies inside it.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Jade chirped

"Mmm.. morning.. where are we"

"We are in Williams. An hour outside of Flagstaff."

"Oh.. you want me to drive"

"If you want.."

"Yea.. Ill drive.."

"You sure.."


LJ fueled up the truck. Then he jumped in the truck. Cody was still on their tail. He pulled out of the gas station. Jade had her phone in her hands. She looked at the picture again and started laughing.

"What are you laughin at" LJ asked

"A picture on facebook"

"Always on facebook"

Jade stuck her tongue at him. She carried on to what she was doing. Then LJ's phone went off. He didnt bother. Because it was a text message. Jade posted the photo on facebook. Within five minutes, everyone started commenting and liking it. The things people commented were makin her laugh.

"Jade.. tell me what your laughin at" LJ asked


Jade opened up her gallery on pulled up the picture. Then showed it him. His jaw dropped. Jade couldnt help but laugh again. Then he grabbed her thigh; makin her laugh even more.

"B....Ba..babe stop! hahahaha" Jade laughed

"No.. until you erase it"

"Ok.. ok.. ok.. I.. I'll erase it"

LJ let go of her thigh. Jade still had a smirk on her face. She went back to her facebook page and more comments were posted. Jade started laughin her butt off again.

"Babe.. people are crazy for your pictures" Jade said

"Ten people shared our photo and we got lil over a fifty comments and seventy likes" Jade said again

"Cause Im irrestible"

Jade rolled her eyes. She logged off and locked her phone. She tried not to fall asleep. Because she knows LJ is gonna get her back. She pretended to be asleep.

LJ slowly grabbed his phone and unlocked it. He turned on his front camera. He smiled and Jade got up and smiled next to him.

"Nice smile babe" Jade whispered

"Not bad yourself."

Four hours later

Las Vegas was in the distant. Jade was really excited this time. As many times she has been in Vegas, this trip will be one to remember.

LJ finally pulled up to the Thomas & Mac. Jade got out of the truck and went to the stall office.

"Checkin in" Manager asked

"Yes sir"


"Jade Billings"

"Ok... how many will you need"

"two stalls please"

"Ok.. follow me"

Jade followed the manager. He showed her two stalls.

"Ok.. here you are.."

Jade looked around.

"Oh.. your in barn B.. stalls fifteen and sixteen"

"Ok.. thank you sir"

"my pleasure ma'am."

Jade looked at the horses next to her. They looked familiar. She seen them throughout the year, but who was riding them. Then Jade finally snapped. "Oh my god! Its Boogie and Banker" she said to herself.

"I see you know my horses" a voice.came up behind her.

"Trevor! Hey"

"Hey Jade... I see were neighbors"

"haha.. yeah" Jade was nervous.

"I best get going.. see you tomorrow night"

"Yeah.. enjoy your night"

"you too"

Jade watched him walk. When he turned the corner, Jade started doing a happy dance. Then she felt her phone vibrate.


"where are you"

"barn B.. bring Eagle and Viper with you"

"Ok.. have you seen Cody yet"

"No.. but hes callin me right now"


Jade ended her and LJ's call then picked up Cody's.

"Where are you"

"I am pullin into the strip and you"

"Putin the horses in the stalls now.. Ill wait here for you"


Jade walked back to the truck to grab the buckets. She was walkin back to the stall when someone blocked her path.

"Oh Im sorry" Jade appologized

"No its ok.. I shouldnt be standing here.. wait.. dont I know you"

"Dont think so.. but I know you.. YOUR TUF COOPER!!! My god.. its a pleasure to meet you"

"Now I know you.. your the girl who put that roping on at your house.. uh.. Jade"

"Yes.. I am"

"nice to meet you"


"Jade!" LJ shouted

Tuf looked LJ's way.

"is that LJ" Tuf asked Jade

"Yes... my fiance actually"

"Really? congrats.. LJ and I have the same agent"

"Oh.. thank you.. I better get going"

"See ya Jade"

"Bye Tuf"

Jade turned on her heel. She walked towards the stalls to see LJ puting the bedding in the stall. He saw her coming. She walked in the stalls and placed the bucket in the corner. She grabbed the hay and split in half. Then she grabbed her horses and put em up.

Minutes later Cody finally showed up. He unloaded his horses and put them up.

After Cody put em away, they headed to Mandalay Bay. They checked in and wemt to bed for a long day tomorrow.


Jade and LJ made it to Vegas! How will it play out for em?


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