Chapter 1-Lost

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You were out camping with your friends along with your boyfriend. It was a summer vacation at that time and you guys wanted to have fun while it lasted. You all went hiking when you fell off the narrow way and slid down the hill. There lots of trees and big leafy bushes but fortunately,you didn't get hit by any of them. Your friends were probably looking for you as you stroll, trying to find your way out. At the fall, you received some minor injuries like scraps,scratches sprained your ankle. You limp,walking anywhere while holding on to the trees from time to time to help support you as you walk. It hurts and you really needed to get it treated immediately, sadly that immediately had to wait. The sun was setting down and you look at it with a slight frown,it would get harder to find your way out now

So let's get the story started~

Y/N POV●○●○●

I look at the setting sun in sadness as fear began to take over my head. It would get difficult to find my way out of this place, I don't have my phone with me and I sprained my ankle. Who knows what hides in this forest,and without someone to look out for you,you're all alone. I frown and lay my back on a tree,I was getting tired and needed some rest or else my injury would get bad. No food or what so ever with me. I would die out here and that scares me,no one would be able to find me in days,I could get eaten by predators or something else out here

No! Don't think like that! I'm sure my friends will find me,or even call for help. They wouldn't leave me here,right? I sigh and hug my knees,I look around the forest that I surrounded me,that I was in, that would have some kind of magic or something

I shook off the thoughts aside and lay my chin in my knees. I don't want to sleep here actually,it looks scary but either way, I was getting tired and sleepy. I try my best to stay awake then suddenly fireflies flew around the forest. It doesn't look scary anymore,it looks magical and beautiful. My nerves calmed down as I watch them fly around,they look so beautiful along with the starry night sky that I had just noticed ever since I panicked. I slowly began to fall asleep but tried not to but sleep soon consumed me and all I could see was darkness afterwards


I woke up and found myself sleeping on the ground. I wasn't on any harm except for the sprain that I had got yesterday, somehow my friends still haven't found me yet. I'm starting to feel like they've abandoned me,I stood up carefully and shook off the thought before starting to walk off

I found a stick and thought of using it to support me as I continue to look for a way out. I feel like this place is telling me which way to go,my stomach made a sound,signifying that I was hungry. I look around,looking for a fruit to at least eat until I heard small thud, I look to its direction and saw a fruit rolling quite a little. I look up from its tree "it Must've fallen off" I say to myself as I went towards it and pick it up softly. I guess its mine now,I peel its skin and ate the sweet and tasty fruit. It's sweet so it was kinda but what choice do I have. After I finished it,I went back to looking for a way out

I hear engines of cars and went to its direction. I spot a parking lot and found out this was the entrance from when we went in the forest. I saw our car parked there with my friends wearing worried looks,I also notice my parents talking with some officers. They were looking for me. I watch them as they notice me and ran up to me,giving me a tight hug and I return it "Y/N,are you alright?" My mother ask and I nod befor motioning to my ankle. They quickly bought me to the hospital and check for any other injuries

"Dude,you alright?" One of my friends ask "yeah,we were all pretty worried" another one said "we went looking for you but when we found nothing,we went to the police station immediately" my boyfriend said "guys,I'm fine and I appreciate the things you did but see, I'm ok" I say reassuringly and they all sigh in relief

There was something off about that forest though,as if it was helping me when I was lost there,as if it was magical in a way. I don't know but I want to go back there and find out. The doctor came in shortly after our conversation "Ms.Y/N you can be discharged in an hour after your parents finish some paperwork" the doctor said,giving me a smile and I return it as he walks out again. I look at my cast and thought about using crutches from now on until my foot heals,I would know how Jimmy feels

Few hours later~●~●~●~●~<

I walk out of the hospital with my boyfriend accompanying me. He was walking me home,my other friends already left awhile ago and my parents had to go to work. I open the door as he helps me in "ok babe,I have to go now, hope you get better" he says,kissing me on the cheek and I smile "thanks Matt,I appreciate the help" I said and he nods before walking out. I walk upstairs and lie down on my bed,the sun was already starting to set. The day went by fast but all I could think of was that forest

It was as if it was helping me get out,that night,the stick that I found even if that sounds silly,the fruit suddenly falling off when I started to get hungry and finding my way out. I want to go back there and see if what I'm thinking is true. I might be lossing my mind from that fall but a little investigation wouldn't hurt,right?

I would do it after my ankle would heal, right now I want to sleep. I get comfortable on my bed but careful not to move my ankle too much. I stare out my window and watch the moon shine brightly as if it was watching me, protecting me for anything

Soon,I started to drift off into a peaceful sleep as a blurred figure came into my mind. He was wearing a green hat with a curled brunch crown,he was also wearing a red coat,his face was a blur but I could see him smiling

Who was he?

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