Chapter 13

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I awoke from my deep slumber to the smell of freshly baked bread and tea. The bed felt off than it normally would. My brows furrow as I finally find the energy to open my eyes

I groan as I sat up to meet a different room. It wasn't my room so that explains a lot,what caught my eyes was girl? Boy? Erh...standing there with a tray of bread and tea

I look at it curiously and hungrily as she laughs "food for you,we don't want you dying in starvation when we need you alive" I nod at her as she places the tray on my lap

I look at it inspectingly before taking a bite out of the bread. To my surprise,it was delicious. I started devouring it as she giggles slightly at my action "uhm may I ask where I am?" I said with food in my mouth. At least I don't look like a pug whilst I'm at it

"Well for starters,I am Princess Kenny of the Humans and you are in the Kingdom of Kupa Keep!" She gestures to the place as I look around

Finishing my food,I set the tray away before swallowing the last bit of piece in my mouth "ahem,AAAAHH" I screamed,taking her by surprise as the door flies open to reveal my captor "you" I said coldly "you" she repeats in the same time as she walks up to us

"Oh I see you already met my best warrior,Izumi" Princess Kenny said as she places both hands on her left cheek,seeming pleased. Izumi bows slightly to her before facing back to me

"You're awake" she points out as I scoff "no I'm not,I'm still sleeping whilst my eyes are wide open and answering your dumb statement!" I said sarcastically "my my,she's something alright"

Princess Kenny giggles as she balls a fist to her mouth,Izumi on the other hand growls at me "The Grand Wizard wants to see you as soon as you wake up"

I raise a brow at Izumi as she shrugs "I want to ask a question though" I said,realizing Marina wasn't with me here. She rose her shoulders expectantly,gesturing for me to shoot my question "go ahead"

I took a deep breath before exhaling it "what happened last night?"


After the event,Matt went to go use the bathroom for emergency number 2. He forgot to lock the door so Izumi unexpectedly walked in and saw him pooping

The look on his face was priceless

~End of FlashBack~

"THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT" I yelled as Izumi rolled her eyes "geez,calm yo tits. People just can't take a joke"


Y/N blacked out in Izumi's arms as she carried her back to KKK

Meanwhile in the ballroom,everything was utter chaos,elves and humans fought as Kyle went face to face with Matt who was ordered to fight with him by Fat- the Grand Wizard

"I heard that,Princess Kenny who is narrating the FlashBack!" Cartman growled "oops sorry"

Kyle clashed his staff with Matt's sword but couldn't focus on the fight as his mind drifted to Y/N "where could she be?" He thought to himself,wishing for the H/C-nette to be safe

Matt saw the expectant look on the elf's face and smirked "heh,you can't find her anywhere. By now,its probably too late"

Those words made Kyle's eyes widen as Paladin Butters busted in the room "guyz! The mission is accomplished!" He informed the humans as all of them ran out of the Kingdom. Kyle grabs Matt's arm,glaring at him

"What did you do to Y/N?" Kyle snarls at him as he just laughs "Oh I didn't do anything to her,Izumi did" "oh so we're passing blames now" Kyle retorted snarckily

Matt laughs "I guess we are,I'm passing the blame to you if she gets hurt or die since you couldn't protect her" Kyle's eyes widen in anger and fright as he gritted his teeth "hey,I'm not her prince charming here. Not anymore that is" he defended

With that,Matt pried his arm away and catches up with Cartman who called for him. And just like that,they ran into the night

Kyle balled his hands into fists by his sides and growled in his gritted teeth. Stan ran by his side and placed a hand on his King's shoulder "they took her"

Kyle clenched his fists tighter as he shut his eyes before letting out a frustrated breath "prepare the elves,if a fight is what they want...a fight is what they'll get"

Luke walks up to Kyle and stated "uhm...not to bother your majesty but a fight isn't exactly what they want-" "I know what they mean!" Kyle yells as Luke stumbles back

Kyle looks at the open door and gates where the humans used to escape "I'll get you back,Y/N. I will"

~End of FlashBack~

"Ok,maybe I over exaggerated on the last part of Kyle but yeah" Princess Kenny said as she shrugged. I wasn't going to doubt that Kyle wouldn't save me like (any other fanfics) some princess that's convinced their Prince couldn't come to save them

Hell I won't even try to act like a princess in the first place! I'm gonna be like those strong and brave princesses. I look at them and have a funny look

Izumi with her crossed arms looks at me with a confused look "what?"

"Aren't you gonna take me to the Grand Wizard?"

"Are you gonna go in that night gown? Uh-uh no sweetie,you are gonna go looking fabulous like mwuah" Izumi said,gesturing to herself. She then walks to the cabinet in the room and proceeds to look for something decent "hmm,a black Tuscan shoulder dress and some black hills to match"

(Basically I have know way of clothes and just read that but I have a pic)

I started freaking out "NUUU No way I'm wearing heels!!" I hissed at them "o

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I started freaking out "NUUU No way I'm wearing heels!!" I hissed at them "o...k you can go with anything else but not boots"

"What do you have against boots,you're wearing one now" I have a WTF face as she shrugs

"It just doesn't go with your dress"

I sigh "fine,I'll wear flats"

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