Chapter 12

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Me and Bebe walk in the main hall room where lots of Elves were. I also noticed the exquisite food at the tables...yeah,food. Bebe pats my back and walk off to talk to some of her friends whilst I look around. I took a deep breath. Ok Y/N,you can do this. Just go with the flow. I start to walk by the tables,eyes following me as my anxiety starts to rise until I heard whispers of compliments. My heart flutters as a pink hue dusts my cheeks. I decided to get some lunch until Evan came up to me "you're here?!" I ask in shock and surprise. His face turns from excitement to boredom "no! No I'm not here! I'm in my bed sleeping, here! Look at me! I'm sleeping" he says sarcastically as he tried to lie down on the table as I laugh and try to hide it with my palm. He gets off the table and still glared at me funny "nice dress" he compliments "yeah,you want it? I bet it would look great on you" I joke "honey,everything looks good on me. I am Fabulous" he flips his cloak off his shoulder as I laugh "well,care for a dance?" He ask, holding out a hand "you'll regret asking me to" I say daringly to him "I can handle a few steps on the foot" he says,shrugging as I scoff "can I ask?"

"Don't even!". We start to slow dance with the music as I accidentally step on his foot a few dozen times,I see him wince a few times too. I felt a hand take mine and pull me away from Evan but still kept dancing along with the music. I see Kyle holding my hand as we were practically dancing, he was glaring at Evan who gave a playful smug face

"That guy.." he sighs before turning to me "sorry about know, stealing you from him" "nah,he seems chill about it" we both laugh a little before continuing to dance. We both talked about stuff and I honestly got better at dancing. Just go with the flow!

The music slowly turns to a stop as I saw a disappointed look on Kyle's face for a slight second before it disappeared. I felt a pair of eyes burn on my head but as I turn around,no one was staring. I raise a brow before shaking the thought off "I gotta use the restroom" I told him as he nods. I start to head out and walk to the halls. The bright moonlight illuminating the windows, they were the only light I had as I continue to walk

I didn't need to use the restroom,I just felt like walking around. I suddenly heard a crash from the hall room and panic overtook my emotions. I was about to go back when I felt a presence behind me,their piercing violet eyes met with my E/C ones

I felt their hand cover my mouth and before I knew it,I fell into darkness

Izumi POV

I cover Y/N's mouth and nose,leaving not a way for her to breathe. After a few more seconds,her body went limp in my arms as I carried her bridal style and jump out the window and landed on my horse. My part of the mission accomplished and now I have to go back to the castle

I wonder how the others are doing though


Matt POV

"Looks like we just crashed the party" I said after my grand entrance. Cartman then leaned to me and whispered "dude! That was so cringy". I then frantically wave my hands to him,trying to get him away from me

"Well then" I look around and met forest green eyes,I smirk "shall we get the party started?"



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