Chapter 4- Warrior

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I take in the beautiful scenery that surrounds me with a bright and amazed smile like a child's when they get to go to a playground for the first time

My 'moment' was interrupted by an annoying voice behind my back "ugh, why are we even here again? Just what is your business here anyway?" Matt whines he looks at the few leaves on the ground with disgust,I frown at his reaction to the forest which added another line from my things-to-hate-about-Matt list

How could someone not enjoy this piece of art?! I roll my eyes at him and ignored his complaints as I look around,it was like that tunnel was a portal to this secret world or something,to protect this forest's beauty from the despicable hands of humans

I walk around nearby to see what else I could possibly find. I suddenly stop in my tracks as I hear rustling of a bush nearby and became cautious,I look intensely at it before someone jumps out,causing me to help in surprise and fall on my bum. A boy in a weird outfit,stood in front of me in a fighting stance as if he was on alert for any surprise attacks. He wore a helmet on his head and a sword in his hands but what stood out most and caught my eye were his ears,they were sharp "much like an elf's" I say in a whisper and he glances at me,he must've heard "that's because I am an elf" he says,raising as eyebrow at me before slashing an arrow out his way before more came which made me squeak in surprise and fear,HE WAS BEING ATTACKED AND I WAS HERE WITH HIM. I COULD DIE

before I could react,I see an arrow heading straight towards me,I could feel my heart quicken as everything slows down,it was just a few centimeters away from me until I could feel someone pull me aside and the arrow shots through a tree as it stays there,stuck

My eyes were wide as I stare at it and the person pulls me away and from behind a big tree,it wasn't that big but big enough to be our shield. I couldn't see Matt anywhere which made me worried but mostly happy but I'm not a cold bastard so a little worried for him

"H-hey,what's going on?" I ask the guy as he peaks from behind the tree and see if the 'enemy' was still attacking before retreating his head back as an arrow almost made its way to his face,he held a look of seriousness and alert as he glances at me with his dark blue eyes "it's the knight,"he starts "the knight?"I repeated in a question and he nods "who's that?" I ask again as he keeps eye for his eliminater "the princess of the human's guardian" he said before checking to see if they were still there

He heaves out a relieved sigh before stepping out and I did too "is he gone?" I ask as he raises an eyebrow at me "what do you mean 'he'?" He ask which made me confused as more arrows came our way. I scream and duck,he was dodging all of it at the same time,I look around and spot a familiar violet hair,flowing as they hop from tree to tree and hiding

Wait...I remember seeing that hair before. The guy with me threw something at a tree and I heard a yelp before someone fell from the tree. Their hand were tied and they had their hood in,a bow fell beside them and a pack of arrows were at their back

The guy with me points his sword at the stranger before lifting up their hood with it. It fell of their face to reveal "a girl?" I ask in surprise as he nods "wait,you didn't know? speaking of which,I don't think I've seen you around before so you might be an enemy"he says before pointing his sword towards me

I put my hands up in defense,I was scared to death so I stutter out "w-wait! How could I be an enemy if I didn't even know her?" I stated and pointed to the girl,she looked awfully familiar though but where?

He glance at his enemy before back at me and lowering his sword. This is weird as hell. I also lower my hands but was still frightened by this whole thing "so who are you?" He ask "gonna make a friendly conversation while I'm over here and could actually escape?" The girl ask and he points his sword at her "silence" he said sternly and she sweatdrops

He looks back at me again "state your name,address and being" he demands "I-I'm Y/N L/N from East Park and...w-what do you mean by 'Being'?" I said nervously and he had a look confusion "I mean,are you human,elf or something else" he said "human" I said and that made him glare at me "stop worrying Marsh,I don't think she comes from our kingdom,never seen a face like that before there" the girl said as we was still tied up. By now I was wondering where Matt was but I guess he already left me anyways "by the way,I'm Izumi" the girl by the name 'Izumi' introduced herself "human" she adds

I slightly nod at her "so,you're an outsider" 'Marsh' I think,stated as he gave a thinking look,that look was immediately taken off by a sound of a snap and he turns around to see strings but Izumi wasn't there anymore "yo!" She calls from a tree "Stan,next time you try to steal the stick of truth,I'll definitely slaughter your king" Izumi says darkly with a straight face as Stan glares at her

They were like that for a moment before she ran away. Stan clicks his tongue before turning to me and growls,I help in fear and his face softens before he sighs "you probably got lost and went through the tunnel,are you here with someone?" He said and I nod "its either he got captured by those humans or one of ours,or he got lost" he shrugs before walking off

"Come on,I'll take you to the Elven Kingdom," he said while walking as I follow from behind "what are you gonna do to me?" I ask,successfully not stuttering "the king will decide,I'll also explain everything to you while we're heading there. The tunnel is probably closer by now" he said

"What? How? It was open so why would it close?"I ask,there were lots but I guess those will have to wait "you see,the portal can only be opened with the Stick of Truth,someone must be opened it and it got closed"he answered,not knowing who did it

"There are two kingdoms,the Elven Kingdom of the elves and the Kingdom of Kupa Keep of the humans" he said "I'm an elf as you can see so I came from the Elven,that girl was the princess's best warrior" he said,taking a breath before continuing "Princess Kenny of the humans,There is also another one who teams up with her,the Grand Wizard" I was intrigued by all of this

The stick of truth he talked about made me wonder "so,what's the stick of truth nd why are you telling me all of this?" I ask and he glances at me before looking back at the way he was going "the stick of truth is really power,who ever yields it can control the while universe,and as to why I'm telling you this,is because you'll still probably ask later"

I decided to ask about the gain they want when they have the stick of truth "so to what benefit?"

He raises an eyebrow at me "you mean when we get the Stick? Well we don't trust each others race so yeah" after that talk,we continue to walk

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