Special Chapter! Part 1 (bc I limit to 1000+ words)

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"Y/N! Over here!" Wendy waved her hand frantically as she motioned for the h/c over. Carrying her tray of food,Y/N grinned and strode over the table and sat beside Wendy. It had been almost a month now since Y/N had come back from the Elven Kingdom to her world. No one still knows what happened during her disappearance, and she didn't tell,claiming she had forgotten everything. She still remembers though,she still remembers those forest green eyes and sunset colored hair.

They had promised to keep things a secret,and she was allowed to come back at anytime she likes. As for Matt,it was a surprise and a relief but he was back safe and sound. Although,his memory has been wiped off and he remembers pretty much nothing of the Fantasy of a world. "So Y/N,it's been a while since we've hung out,huh? Since you disappeared and all," The sadness and concern in Wendy's voice worried Y/N as she frantically waved her hand,smiling reassuringly at her friend.

"Sorry,Wendy. I promise Ill make up for all those times we haven't been able to hang out,also I'm alright. Like I said before, if I don't remember what happened back then,it probably doesn't matter," Wendy wanted to argue at that but seeing as her friend insisted everything was alright,she dropped the subject and continued to make idle chat and jokes.

Y/N thought that she should visit the Elven Kingdom sometime soon after being reminded of it,but that would be done sometime soon. She didn't expect soon to be now though. The doors of the cafeteria were thrown open as a brunette urgently looked around. The loud sound of the doors as he burst in was one thing but it caught many people's eyes at the strange attire he wore. Especially the sheathed sword that hung on his waist,it looked really realistic. As Wendy's eyes caught sight of the brunette male,she abruptly stopped talking and froze. "Wendy?" Y/N called,but when she didn't get an answer,she turned to look at what the sudden commotion was about and was surprised as ocean blue eyes met her e/c ones.

"Y/N!" Stan called as he quickly strode towards the two girls table. Strode towards Y/N more specifically. "I've been looking for you," Stan said as he watched Y/N stand up and walk over to him. She raised a brow "How did you even find me?" Y/N asked and noted how Stan's brows furrowed. Something was definitely wrong.

"We need your help back into...back to there," Stan hesitated on what to say,not wanting to reveal the hidden world. The concern lacing in his voice worried the h/c as she nodded. She would have to cut her day for today. Stan was about to drag Y/N away but a voice stopped them both from going anywhere.

"Wait!" Wendy hurriedly walked over the two and looked at Y/N in concern before turning to Stan,wondering who this male was to just take away her friend without much of an introduction. Stan stared back at Wendy,his face didn't show any emotion of what he was feeling right now but still managed to look intimidating. "Y/N,is this guy bothering you? What kind of relationship do you have with him? Are you in trouble?"

Y/N knew she was just worried for her sake,and she wanted to reassure her that everything was fine, but she was sure now Wendy would want a full explanation. Everyone else in the cafeteria seemed to lose interest but a few interested looks were still thrown in ocassionally. Y/N smiled at Wendy,a silent message that she was fine,but she was racking her mind on an excuse to tell.

"A-ah, Wendy,this is Stan,by the way. He's a friend of mine," Y/N started "and Stan,this is Wendy,she's a close friend of mine too," Stan merely nodded in acknowledgment and was in a hurry to go. He lightly tugged on Y/N's shirt,indicating her to hurry. "Oh...is that so? Then where are you going? Class isn't finish yet," The worry in Wendy's voice started to disappear and was slowly changing to confusion. Y/N noticed that and was slightly grateful that her suspicions were slowly fading away.

But as for the answers of her questions,Y/N glanced around,hoping to look for an excuse. It was a surprise though, that Stan was the one to come up with one and save themselves. He stepped in and said "We need her for the play," Both girls snapped their head at his direction,completely takin him aback as he jumped. That's when Y/N nodded her head eagerly "Thats right! Me and Stan...uh,we joined this program happening...somewhere and we need to practice!"

"What about school?" Wendy asked "This is related to school," Stan snapped,getting impatient. Wendy still hesitated,but reluctantly let them go nonetheless. On their way to the forest, Stan filled Y/N with the little weird things that started happening at the Elven Kingdom once again. Sirens luring sailors, mermaids enchanting mortals. The Enchanted Forest trapping passersby and leading them to other directions,other things also happened and everyone was suspecting it had something to do with the living thing on the Ice Mountain. Though no one had a clue who or what it was.

"So? Kyle has it all under control,right?" Y/N raised a brow. Stan nodded in agreement,Kyle totally did had t all under control, however,the male had unfortunately gotten sick and could barely speak and give orders with a soar throat. Stan,of course,took lead and handled everything himself. Another thing for his dismay was the unbreakable barrier surrounding the mountain,making it nearly impossible for others to go in.

"So why exactly did you come to get me? I mean,I'm flattered that you think I can break the barrier but-"  Stan interrupted her as he stopped and walked a few steps forward,holding out his hand into space as he did. "No,I believe you can break the barrier. We all do,that's why I came here to get you in the first place," he placed a hand on his hip "partly because of Kyle's request though, he wanted to see you," Stan smirked. Hearing that made Y/N smile "but don't tell him I told you all this though. He'll kill me," Stan added before they both laughed. A moment later,a bright light shone on Stan's hand,growing brighter and brighter with every moment. It slowly showed a view of the other side. The Elven Kingdom. Seeing the Elven Kingdom once more filled Y/N with excitement and happiness. She couldn't have been more grateful to know that the Elven Kingdom was true,and she couldn't be more happy now that she's back.

"Now,let's go,"

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