Chapter 7- Pixie

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After breakfast,we continue to walk and talk

"Hey,Y/N" Kyle said,successfully catching my attention as I turn my head to his direction from the window. I hum at him in response,he laughs in return "I was thinking maybe that you...learn fighting or something" he said after pausing in the middle of his sentence to think

I tap my chin,thinking. Its not so bad once I've thought of it,I really wanted to know (fighting skill) anyway. I nod at him as he smiles "great,you'll need a weapon though"

~~~~training arena~~~~

Kyle open a the door and in the middle of this wide room was Stan, swinging his sword here and there. Now I know why else Kyle would make Stan best warrior

"Yo,Stan" I wave a hand at his direction "hey" was all he said before going back to what he was doing. Kyle walks to a table as I follow suit,on the table lied numerous kinds of weapons. I stare at all of them in awe, Kyle seems to notice my expression as he smiled and laughed a little. I was too caught up in being astonished with the blades and arrows to yell at Kyle for laughing at me

"Pick a weapon and then we'll start training,its ok for you to stay in the sidelines though,I don't want you getting hurt anyways" he said,using his hands for more understanding. I nod,still looking at the weapons until one had eventually caught my eye. I grab it and inspected it

A necklace with a F/C gem on the center "a necklace?" I wonder out loud,Kyle takes the item from my hands and held it up "this is no ordinary necklace though,it's a gem from Pixie Hollow (forgive me!!!)," Kyle explains,putting it around my neck as it started to glow

At that,I started panicking but the reassuring smile showed calmed me down and I trusted him. The glow slowly disappeared and a Pixie replaced it. Wings curled up around it small figure,it slowly stretched and revealed a tiny girl

<(:|) (its not tinker bell)

Her once shut eyes slowly flutter open,revealing light green eyes. Upon realizing our presence,she quickly brushes her long,ginger hair with her fingers and fixes her outfit. Smiling brightly,she said "Salutations! I am sorry for my tardiness,I have been asleep for a long time until now" she said in a high pitch voice which I found surprisingly really cute that I almost gush

"Its ok,I'm Y/N,you?" I introduced, holding out a finger for her to shake since a hand is too big for her

(I dare you readers to say 'that's what she said')

Her smile widens as she shakes my finger with both of her tiny little hands "I'm Marina! But you can call me 'Mari' or 'Rina' for short"

She seems like an enthusiastic type of person...Pixie. I look at Kyle as he nods in agreement as if he read my mind "hey Rina," I said,starting as she hums in response "how would you like to help me fight? I'm actually interested in helping the elves get the stick,but most of all,I need the stick to go back to my world"

I explained,glancing at the corner of my eyes,I saw Kyle wearing a sad and lonely expression for a split sec before returning into a smile,only it didn't seem as happy as it was before. I was about to question it but thought that it might be just been my mind or something. I pay my attention back to Rina who squealed in delight

"I have always wanted to be of help! The others used Archery or swords so I never get to help,don't worry,I can do what ever it needs to please you. Just leave it to me!" She said, confidently "I can summon any weapon you wish,I can create shields too!" She says,pleased at her abilities. I'm actually wondering why nobody bothered to choose her

"How come you didn't get chose?" I ask as her expression saddens a bit "thats- um...I don't...know" she trails off as if she didn't want to say something that would cause a change "what?" I ask as Kyle butts in "that may be because after a good few minutes,she weakens,everyone chose a real weapon here because they can count on themselves to fight. They probably think that she would get in the way" Kyle whispers the last part to me,hoping that Marina did hear

I look at her sympathetically before patting her head softly with my pinky "don't worry Marina,if we work together and put all our effort in it,we could destroy the whole Kingdom of KK!" I said in determination,thinking she too would get motivated. Her eyes widen in surprise before flying up to my face,giving it a hug

"Thank you thank you thank you! Don't worry,like I said,Just leave it to me!" I smile

The whole day,we trained until sunset,I was sweating,holding a sword that Marina had summoned for me. I was practically fighting Stan and HE WAS WEARING THAT SMUG FACE WITHOUT EVEN WORKING A SWEAT

"I think that's enough for today," he said,putting his sword back in his sheath as mine dissolves. I look behind me to see Marina sleeping on the table,exhausted. She had been using all her strength to summon up the weapon since it has been a while since she did it

"Not one of the elves actually got to hit me so consider it a start for you" Stan said,I appreciated what he told me though. I pick Marina up and walk back to my room.

On the hallways,I stop and look at the setting sun like those anime characters who get stuck in some other world much like my situation "I wonder if I'll really be able to get back to my world"

I open the door and set Marina on top of my bed. Tucking her in a small cloth,I began to go to sleep.


*sharply breathes* IM ALIVE
I drew Marina on my spare time, partly because I didn't have anything else to do except write chapters. She is new,I just made her :b

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