Chapter 5- Elf King

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Chaptey chapatou chapata chapadudo
Sorry for the wait

We finally made it in what seems like hours. I look up in bewilderment to see a kingdom,it had vines growing on the wall and the wood from the gate were waxed. I wonder if fantasies even have wax,oh well

Stan knocks with a beat on the smaller door from the wooden gate as someone looks through the small whole "who's there?" They ask and Stan rolled his eyes "stripper" Stan answered and I look at him confused

"Stripper who?" The one of the other side replied "open the door or I'll FUCK your face into a pulp!" Stan roared (I got the eye of the tiger!!) the one on the other side yelps and quickly opens the door "I'm sorry,sir" the door opens, revealing a guy with white locks for hair and ears sharp too

He's eyes lands on me with a raised brow "may I ask,who's this?" He gestures to me,confusion clouding his emerald eyes "don't worry about her,Luke" Stan said, waving his hand to Luke,motioning him to drop it as we went inside

I look around the small village that was hidden by the big gates of this kingdom, the Elven Kingdom as Stan had mentioned. I spot more people as I walk behind Stan who was leading me to his highness,they were all elves from the looks of it,they all had sharp ears and... stuff

They gave me dirty looks and whispering among themselves "who is that girl?" I heard one ask to his friend "she doesn't look like an elf," another one said "could it be that the Elf King's best warrior had captured another yet one of the grand wizards fighter? They'll probably get information out of her and get the Stick of truth back!" A girl says happily as she slightly jumps up and down with her friend. Others gave me a dumbfounded look and stared at my clothes "is she even from this place? I haven't seen an outfit like that before"

I raise a brow of confusion before tugging at my hood to my face,Stan seems to notice my discomfort as he said "ignore them,the two kingdoms are really not in good terms"


The double doors to a room opens as Stan went in "my king" he said,walking towards a boy wearing a green ushanka with a crown of branches and a red robe. He had a ginger locks that peaked out if his ushanka and his eyes were shining green like emeralds,I admit,he is cute (and that ass!! *gets slapped by Stan*)

I slightly blush at that thought before walking off towards Stan's side. The ginger haired boy wore a confused look on his mesmerizing eyes before Stan finally answered "my king,this is Y/N,she came from the world of the other side. She got lost and seemed to wonder off at the hollow forest" the king seemed to be pleased with that explanation as he smiled brightly at Stan then at me, something else was shown in his eyes other than happiness though,its as if he finally got something that he was waiting for since forever which made me confused but smiled either way

"Hi,I'm Kyle,the king of the elves and this is my best warrior,Stan" he said before taking out a hand for me to shake "I'm Y/N L/N,its nice to meet you,your highness" I said politely,shaking his hand

We both let go and Kyle spoke "so,you're from the other side? I suspect you're here with someone" Kyle said and I nod in shock "uh yes but he probably ditched me on the way here"I replied and he raises an eyebrow "and why would that be? Why would someone ditch a girl so pretty?" Kyle said,muttering the last part to himself without letting the other two know what he said

"Don't know,he's an asshole" I answered which made him giggle and Stan smiled "well Y/N,you can't be back in your world since the portal is closed and only the stick of truth can open it,although, the grand fat-ass has it and he won't help voluntarily" Kyle said and I frown "but don't worry,once we'll get the stick back from the hands of the grand wizard, I'll definitely get you back to your own world"Kyle says determined with his fist balled up and a smile on hi face which made me smile but somehow,it felt like his voice sounded like he was saying otherwise

I shook off the thought and smile thankfully at him "thank you,Kyle!- I mean,your highness" I said happily before correcting myself and slightly scratching the back of my head,he shook his head before smiling back at me "no, you can call me Kyle,you don't have to be formal around me,thats also meant for you Stan" he said,playfully glaring at the said boy. "Yes,my Lord" Stan said playfully and Kyle punches his shoulder slightly as we all laugh

"Oh,since you'll be staying here for a few weeks or so,I'll let Stan show you the room you'll be staying at" he said before gesturing for Stan to show me my room

I nod at Kyle as Stan walks out "see ya,Kyle" I said before catching up to Stan, leaving the king to smile as we both walk out "if only you knew" Kyle said after me and Stan were out of the room

"Here you'll be staying with the provided clothes and...stuff"he said,causing me to laugh and he did too "thanks Stan" I said as he waved off "nah,there's really no need to thank me,if you should,thank the Kyle since he's the one making promises, I only bought you here since there was no need to kill you" he said and we both laugh again

"Fine fine,tell Kyle I said thank you too"I said while sitting on the bed as he nods and walks out. I stood up and look through the window to see the whole kingdom,I gasp in awe. From here,I could see a little kingdom from afar because of the distance,somehow,I think someone from that kingdom was staring at me


Izumi POV

I enter the Grand Wizard's room to see him looking out the window "so,what news do you have?" He ask while turning around to look at me "well there's a human and they're not from here" Izumi said hesitantly,not knowing what to say "what do you mean?"He ask "they're from the other side of the world" I said

He wore a thinking look before realizing "that means the portal has been opened, we haven't opened the portal since Feldspar has just stolen it just now and we haven't used it" he said in slight distress as I shrug "either way it was opened by someone" I said "...Kyle" Cartman growled

"Hey! You're not suppose to use my real name,you're suppose to say 'The grand Wizard growled'!" Eric yelled "oh sorry,was I suppose to say that?" I ask,not really sorry "yes and you did it again!!" He shouts "but using 'the grand wizard' is too tall"I whine and he growls "no matter,you stopped anyways and used 'he',you can go now,you are dismissed" he said before looking out the window again

I shrug before walking out to meet Princess Kenny "Princess Kenny,what are you doing here?" I ask and she smiles "I just wanted to see if you're okay after that mission you had with Feldspar,good thing your still in one piece" she said before sighing in relief which made me smile "don't worry,Princess Kenny,I'll always come back to you"I smile at her

"Right now,I think I'll go and rest" I said before walking pass her and patting her head as she slightly blushes


I walk in my room and sat on the window sill,watching the Elven Kingdom

"Things has just started for both Kingdoms" I said,not knowing that Princess Kenny was behind my door,listening


What happened to Matt though? XD
He'll be here on the next chapter

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now