Chapter 25

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Hey guys! Long time no update in this book! You all must have been waiting. . .not. I mean,who would even read this cwap? Its cringy af and I suck at writing. But for all those who are actually reading this anyways,Thank you,have a cookie 🍪



Who knew? All this time,the roses' thorns have been sticking in my back. My mind still felt hazy after having part of the Stick's power move rapidly inside of me,much of less I didn't know how to control my powers much.

"Princess Kenny,why are you doing this?" I said,cautiously and clumsily trying to land in front of her but she raised a hand "it's obvious enough,the stick should've been mine. You already know the story of how both kings fought for it but my mother. . ." She pauses.

"My mother had died because of the war,she was a kind woman. Didn't do anything wrong,but when she heard the commotion of the two kings,she went down to check and was dragged into the explosion" a single tear trail down her rosy cheek.

"Because of you lot! She's. . ." She wiped a tear "but not to worry,if I have the stick,I won't have any trouble dealing with you. And when I do that,I'll suck all the magic inside of you too" she laughed wickedly.

If she does that,All the magic inside Y/N will disappear. And now that it has been triggered,her energy will be taken away too. She'll -. Kyle though but stops himself from thinking such horrible thought.

All he could do is look at me with determination. Princess Kenny then absorb the magic she'd taken from the fairy and formed an orb before aiming it at me. I could hardly dodge it as it made a gash on my arm. I wince in pain,gripping below the wound as if to stop it from hurting.

It burns. Princess Kenny advances on me as I scramble away in the air seeing I was vulnerable made her grin. She probably thought this was going to be really easy for her.

I didn't ask for this,I did took it upon myself for going back but I'm just a curious cat!

Curiosity killed the cat, A voice said inside my head. I didn't have time to comprehend it as another large ray of energy hit me in the gut,sending me flying away. I could hear a scream but I didn't know what they said.

I cascaded down to hit a tree,it broke on my back as I continue to grind the ground. I let out a loud cry,it hurts. Blood seeping out of my skin,small pebbles stuck in them with dirt. Splinters from the tree stuck in my back.

I wanted the pain to end,it stung. My muscles ached and I didn't want to move. I just want to go home. I used all my strength to lift my shirt up to see my other wound. What I saw made me cringe,my skin was literally grilled. If it wasn't my own skin,I would've eaten it.

I didn't dare look at my deep scratches. It all made me sick. My mind felt like it was on a daze,the only thing keeping me awake was the fact that princess Kenny might finish me off here,this world needed to be saved and the stick was giving me more and more energy.

I could feel my senses snapping from time to time,possibly keeping me alert. I start to feel a strong aura heading towards me,princess Kenny had found me. Oh no,

In her hand held the stick. She grins, twiddling it between her thumb and pointy finger in a mocking way. I dare look up at her,teeth gritted to keep myself controlled from screaming in agony. It was just then that I noticed the blood dripping down my head and down my left eye.

She scoffs at me "pathetic," she said. She then proceeds to grip on the stick with both hands before snapping it to two pieces. At first,nothing happened until a gigantic wave of magic rushes out like a huge water fall that has stopped pouring in a long time,only, it didn't have any gravity and made a huge puddle in the sky.

Princess Kenny couldn't handle the force and got pushed away as she screams. She lands on a tree, continuing to fall off the brunches. She drops down across me with leads sticking out her messy hair and tattered dress. I would've felt bad for her if it weren't for my more major injuries.

I tried my best to look at the sky, the stick shook on air. It eventually stuck together like magnet but it shone bright light that I had to avert from looking. When I thought it died down,I look up to see it finally reformed. Like,completely reformed.

It wasn't just a stick any more but a golden staff. A swirl of gold lacing around it, a small cage on top of it. In it was a soft ball sized orb. A figure soon formed as if holding it and it glowed once again. I floated on air and so did princess Kenny

What the heck was happening?

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