Chapter 11

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I have given up on you guys  -_- well atleast one person did it


Wait...what happened again? Oh,right! Continue



I woke up and obviously,to wake up is to open your eyes. Today is another day! Here at my lovely house aaand I almost forgot that I'm stuck in another world for awhile. I got my F/C leaf shirt (much like Peter Pan's SHUT UP,IM A FAN OK? used to) and a matching skirt. I took my combat boots and look at the mirror,eyeing myself and smiled as I see myself looking bootyful as always. I turn to my bed to see Marina still sleeping at her side of the bed,I softly smile before deciding to leave her sleep in peace. I slowly close the door and made my way to where ever my feet will take me. A walk around the kingdom,I guess

My eyes wander around to the materials I see as I pass by them. It was a wonderful morning as I spot Kyle. I ran up to him as Luke walks away to attend some work or something "Kyle!" I call him, optimistically "Oh good morning,Y/N!" He replied with a smile as mine widens in return "what's up?" I ask him,as he was about to answer,Stan comes by "My lord,the decorations you have asked for has been all set up. Are there anything else you want to add in this event?"

"Uhh,nothing else. All is fine now" Kyle answered as Stan bowed and walked away. I raise an eyebrow, confusion written all over my face that you could probably see floating question marks on top of my head. Kyle seems to notice as his face looked like it was hit with realization "ohh that's right,I haven't told you yet. We havent had a party in a long time so we planned to make on today. Lucky for you,you'll become the special guest" Kyle said happily as I made an 'oh' sound before freezing

What? Me? Special Guest? Oh no. Kyle starts to look worried as he tilts his head slightly "what's wrong?" He ask with concern lacing his tone at my sudden silence "ah- uh- mmh-..."I stutter out as I finally found the voice to speak "I-I have SAD..." Kyle gives a confused look as he tilts his head a little more which made him look more cute "SAD? You're sad? You don't have to put up with this,you know?-" I cut him off by waving my hands frantically "nononon! That's not what I meant! I mean...I have social-anxiety disorder" I say shamefully as I lower my head,afraid to look at his face. I've always had been afraid but I've kept up the act of being brave and tried socializing with people. It hasn't done me any good thought except the fact that I had friends

I heard Kyle laugh a little which made my eyes widen and I clench my hands into fists. I felt warm soft hands lift my face as I was met with emerald eyes,green like the forest on a beautiful day and a smile that brightens the dark "you don't have to be afraid of anything,friendly faces are everywhere here at my kingdom!" He said happily and comfortingly (that a word?) his smile widens as he saw relief show in my sparkling E/C eyes

(Yeah,I just did that)

"So you'll come?" He ask with anticipation "does it look like I have a choice? Lets party!!" I yell out, catching a few eyes. My cheeks went red from embarrassment "Whoops hehe" I say nervously whilst scratching the back of my head. The elves just have me a smile before going back to whatever they were doing. I sigh in relief before turning back to Kyle "so what do I wear?"


A girl with blonde and curly hair looks through my drawer for any clothes,throwing whatever she didn't agree to behind her. I dodge a shirt that was coming my way as she dug through my clothes "Aha! This will do!" She says,pulling out a F/N long sleeve dress and S/F/C doll shoes. She looks at me then the clothes before handing it to me with a smile "here!"

"Thanks...what was your name again?" I ask awkwardly as she laughs slightly,putting out her nail polished hand "Bebe" she said with a smile ". I return it "Thanks Bebe! You really helped me" I said,relief in my voice "it's nothing really,I just picked out some clothes for you to wear. I can do your hair and make up too!" She offers,sounding excited as I giggle "why not?"

Bebe styles my hair and put some accessories that looked good on me. She didn't really caked me with make up which I was glad for before she treats herself next. We both smile at each other as Marina flies around us and drops sparkles,making our dresses shine a little. Someone knocks at the door as we all exchange looks before letting the person in. It was Stan and he looked surprised "hello ladies! I was just gonna inform you about the party,its starting soon" he said "thanks Stan" I reply as he smiles "you two look great" he compliments "thanks for that too" Bebe said, joining the conversation "what about me?" Marina ask as Stan nods at her

"Well I'll get going then" he said before walking off as I wave at him. I close the door and Bebe gives me a confused look whilst raising a brow "what's up?" She ask "I'm...I can't go outside,I change my mind.I'm not going" I said,about to get change before she stops me "whoa no no no, you are going and that's final. You look great,ok? So there's nothing to be afraid of" she says comfortingly as I took a deep breath "ok"

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