Chapter 18

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Im hungry and its 5am,havent slept sorry if its short

Kyle's POV

My head feels like it had been hit with a brick, it was throbbing in pain. I was surprised at first seeing I was back in my room but my questions have been answered when my left hand and trusted warrior Stan walked in

"My Lord," he bowed. I was about to lecture him again about calling me "my lord" or "your majesty" but saw that he had urgent news. It was then that I had remembered that they,the humans have captured Y/N. I quickly turn my head to look for my staff but instant pain shot through my head like lightning

Stan quickly ran up to my side to aid me "my lord,there is no need for rush. We have sent a group of elves to go and fetch lady Y/N" he said,trying to ease up my anxiety. I only gave him a nod but I still wasnt sure

I sit back on my bed and sigh. If Cartman as to so let Y/N get ahold of the stick,not only will the stick will be completed but it would also mean the death of Y/N. I didnt care about the stick but I had to make sure Y/N was safe

I know I sound like I would give all my wealth or power to get her in which I would but love makes you do crazy thing, its one of my flaws. I shouldnt have gotten her in this mess

I felt a tap on my shoulder and notice it was Stan. I had completely forgotten that he was here. As time passed, Stan grew more silent and distant. He was training more and more until he was heavily panting

"What?" I ask,raising a brow
"I know I should've said this earlier but at this very moment, the humans are attacking"


A loud explosion sounded through the whole kingdom. At the front gate were warriors of KKK,throwing bombs by a catapult

My citizens started screaming and running around frantically,seeking help and shelter

The elves shot arrows from the top of the gate,it was either dipped in poison of burned in flames. Rage blinding my vision as I grit my teeth and clench my fist on the window sill

"Call reinforcements, we're heading to Kupa Keep"



Y/N woke up for a start on a not so comfortable place. Straws thrown into a pile where she was lying right now,the place was dimly lit with only a torch to light up the place, they were placed a meter away from each other

It took Y/N a while to register what was happening, she was kidnapped and knocked out. Now she was in this cell, it seems that she was the only one here

Scared to get figure out by The Grand Wizard, Y/N silently scrambles to the corner of the dark room,the shackles on her feet rattles as she does so

She hug her knees and sob, it was cold and dark. She didn't know if Kyle was going to save her, he would but uptight take a while

But Y/N didn't want to stay here at all

She pushes herself more against the wall,wanting to just become one of it or maybe just end up slipping through the other side

Footsteps echo through the hall, she yelps. The footsteps grew louder and louder and it was obviously coming to her direction. More tears started to flow out of her eyes,she was scared

She's never felt scared before,except that time on her dream, she started shaking,hiding her face on her arms

"Hello Y/N" an oh-so-familiar voice said,causing me to flinch and eventually freeze. I knew what he was going to do to me, he was going to force out half of the power of the stick of truth in me

I didn't answer and only silence occupied the room and my whimpering "w-what do you want?" I stutter out despite already knowing the answer

"Oh you know what I want, and I see you've stick to being loyal to that dirty, cheating elf" Cartman spat "Don't talk about him like that!" I burst out,clenching my fists so hard the knuckles turns white but when I saw him glare down at me, I slightly jolt and cower in fear

"That's right,you better be scared" he said "right now my army is charging at the Elven Kingdom, that kingdom probably burned down to ruins by now" even without looking up at him I could already feel his smirk of pleas

I felt a churn in my stomach. Oh no! It was probably my fault this all happened, I mean if I didn't exist,if haven't met Kyle then he wouldn't be in this mess in the first place

I felt guilty and wanted to do something about it but what can someone who can't control what they can do do? I started to cry again

I just wanted to sleep through everything and wake up in my room. Not at the Elven Kingdom or here at KKK but at home with my friends again

I wanted all this to end and just hang out with Anne,Evan,Michele and Eve and just live back on a normal life as a teenager. I've had enough of here but still...I can't let go so easily of Kyle, I just don't feel like that would be right

"Your little elf king is probably dead by now and I WILL RULE THIS WORLD FOR THE BETTER" he started laughing maniacally and walks away

Oh Kyle,please save me

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now