Chapter 6- found him -_-

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I woke up and found myself in a room,it wasn't my room though so I started freaking out,only to remember the past events of yesterday

"Oh right" I mutter out and began to change into the new clothes that has been provided for me from the Elf King,Kyle. I put on the outfit and look at myself from the mirror "neat" I say to myself as a smile crept to my lips

I put on my combat boots and put my phone in my pocket. I walk out, looking left and right before deciding to head to the direction that I remembered

I walk as my boots clank to the stone floor. My eyes wonder around to the decor of the Elves Kingdom,vines sprouting at every corners gave it much details that elves sure did own this place

I finally made it to the place where I remembered was the Elf King's room, Kyle's room to be precise. Not to be rude,I softly knock on the wooden door

No response

I knock again,only with a little more force but still received nothing. I sigh and put my hand on the doorknob, giving it a slight twist as I heard a click. I push the door halfway open "excuse me" I said,looking around but found no one in the room

I push the door fully and entered in confusion "Kyle?" I call out,walking in the room and sitting on his bed. Wow, I have no boundaries "Y/N" I heard the voice of the person I've been looking for "Kyle,there you are" I smiled at him as I spoke,he returns it before walking up to me sitting next to me

He didn't have his red and gold robe on him,only his clothes and hat with a crown "what do you need me for?" He ask,looking at me with anticipation which I found cute

"Hehe,well you know I'm new here so this was the only place I remembered, unless its ok to wonder around this palace,I mean,you are king so I just wondered if it was fine" I said and Kyle slightly laughs. His laugh wasn't too loud or like he tried not to laugh but it was soft and melodic that you'd want to hear it all day. My smile grew wider at this

"You know,I don't mind and as matter of fact,since you're my guest I offer that we walk around the kingdom together,its only natural for a king to interact with their guest,right?" He said as a matter of factly,using his hands to add more understanding to his point. I nod "so,what you're saying is that you want to walk with me?" I say teasingly

A blush cross Kyle's cheeks as it adds more to his cute features "w-well you could put it that way,I-I mean,i-it's only natural for a king to take interest in something- I mean! Ugh" he stutters out and gives up on his mouth. I laugh as he playfully glares at me before punching my shoulder lightly "oh Kyle,I was just kidding around"

I stood up and hold out a hand for him to take,he grabs it and pulls himself up from the bed "I'll take you up on that offer then" I said with a bright smile as he return it before walking up to his drawer and taking out his robe,putting it on and grabbing his golf club/scepter  "lets go"


We walk around,talking about this and that,laughing and simply finding something we had in common. Apparently,Kyle and Stan were childhood SBFs so when Kyle took the thrown,his diseases dad trusted Stan to protect him at all cost which he obliged. That is why Stan is Kyle's left hand warrior,his trusted companion and his Super Best Friend (super best boyfriend)

We continue to laugh at stuff until someone comes up to us,if I remember correctly,it was Luke. He was panting from running and probably looking for us

"Luke,what is it?" Kyle ask with patience which made me admire him "my king,a human has been found and has been captured just like your orders from yesterday" Luke said as he gained his composure back. A delighted smile crosses Kyle's face as I turn my head to him,dumb-founded

"Human?" I repeat with confusion and Kyle looks at me happily "yesterday after you left my room,I sent a couple of my elves to look for that other human you were with,I thought we shouldn't let him just wonder around and have fat-ass use him against us" he explains "come on" he said,grabbing my hand as we made our way with Luke taking the lead

I look at our hands and slightly squeeze it,feeling his warm hand on mine "The king is here!" Luke yells out from the horde of elves and they instantly parted a way for Kyle to get through

He walks up to Stan who was in the center of the horde of elves with someone else,he was still holding my hand which took the stares of a few people. I grew a little nervous but ignored them as we made our way to Stan "My king," Stan puts a hand on his chest and one else on one knee

Kyle sighs and motioned for his warrior to stand up which Stan did "did you find him?" Kyle ask his warrior in which Stan moved aside and revealed Matt who had a grumpy and displeased look on his face

His hands were tied and his clothes were dirtied. His eyes landed on mine and rage presented themselves on them "you" he growled "how dare you just suddenly leave me on my own on that forest,you whore!!!" I flinch

Kyle seemed to notice my discomfort and gently squeezed my hand,making me calm down and help me from not lunging on Matt "yeah and I am quite disappointed at myself" I said,looking at the ground "yeah you better be-" Matt said and I cut him off

"I am quite disappointed at myself that what I did didn't kill you yet" I said with a straight face as he started barking at me like a dog

"Silence!" Kyle demanded as everything got quiet "introduced yourself,human" Kyle said,pointing his scepter at Matt. The latter scoffs "well if you want to know,I am Matt a.k.a the girl your holding's boyfriend" he said as a matter of factly. I could've sworn a frown flashed at Kyle's face before I added "ex,ex-boyfriend"

He glares at me "shut up!" he barks before his eyes went down to mine and Kyle's hand which were still holding each other. He scoffs again "it has only been a few days and you already have another boy,slut"

At that point,a nerve popped on Kyle's head as he order some to put Matt in the dungeon "hey what! Let me go!" Matt struggled as he got taken away

Kyle sighs in frustration as he massages his forehead with the his hand that held his scepter "I'm sorry, Y/N,I thought that bringing him here would be a good option but I didn't know he was that of an asshole...I'm just sorry" he said apologetically as he frowns. Seeing that expression on his face ached my heart so I gave him a bright smile

"Don't worry,Kyle,it was nice of you to think of something good for me,it shows that you're a great king" I said, hoping to make a smile on his face. A smile slowly crept on his lips which made my smile widen "thanks for the compliment"

"It was a fact anyway" I said,my stomach slightly growls in hunger which made me blush in embarrassment and hoped no one heard. I guess that hope got washed away as I heard Kyle laugh with a fist covering his mouth

"Someone's hungry" he said teasingly "shut up!" I let go of his hand and slightly punch his shoulder with it as he tries to block "don't worry, breakfast is waiting at the dining room if you want to go now" Kyle suggest before adding "I was getting hungry anyway" I nod as me and Kyle made our way to the dining area

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