Chapter 3- I should go

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After that dream I had,I decided to pack a few things before heading back to the forest. I put the last thing in my bag before heading downstairs,it seems that my parents were on another business trip. I should eat before going,can't explore on an empty stomach now can we? I walk to the kitchen and took two bread and nutella before spreading it on the bread,I made two in case I get hungry on the way. I ate it and made F/D, I put it on a tumbler for the trip,I look at my watch to see I only have a few minutes before the bus gets here. Since my friends were out on their businesses,I didn't get a ride and am not asking Matt for it,no I'm not saying it THAT way,you and your dirty-minds. I grab my backpack after putting my snacks in since snacks are STRICTLY AND IMPORTANTLY VALUABLE. I walk towards the door after shutting off the electricity in the house, you should always be safe. I open the door to see Matt standing in the way "what do you want?" I spat at him and he gives me a hurt look,he was about to ask me something when he stops and spots the backpack I had,he points at it with his finger and wore a confused look "where are you going? I don't recall this week having classes" he said and I sigh "I'm off on a trip as you can see. I'm going back to the forest,so if you have no business with me,do you mind stepping aside?"I demand than and he looks taken aback by it "well I am not allowing you to go anywhere alone,do you remember when you almost got lost?"he ask, crossing his arms "basically,I did got lost and found my way out,I didn't even need your help so what difference would it made if you were there?" I ask sassily before pushing him aside "I'm gonna get left by the bus so tootaloo" I said before waving my hand at him and walking away. I was a block away from the station when I heard a car honk at me,I jump and growl,turning face to face with the owner of the vehicle. Their gonna get it now!!! I look at them and saw it was still Matt which made me sigh "come in, I'm gonna give you a ride" he said, opening the door. Screw it,I got in and sat silently as he drives to South Park's forest. No words exchange between us as he continues to drives through the road. I look out through the window until he stops at a gasoline "I'll be right back" he said,stepping out and I sat there,waiting for him (but he never came XD)

my mind started to drift off somewhere until I heard a knock on my window,I saw violet eyes that looks like the galaxy and hair in twintails,they were also violet that faded into darker one. She motions me to roll down my window and curiously I did "yes?" I ask in confusion and she nervously laughs "uhm could you lend me a phone? I need to make a call but mines dead"she said and I nod, giving her my phone as she taps away before it started ringing,she said a few words before handing it back to me. I reach for my phone and accidentally brushes my hand to hers "thank you" she said cheerfully before walking away with a slight smirk,I look at her dumbfounded before shrugging it off as I heard the drivers door open and saw Matt get in "lets go" he said as we drove away. What a weird girl,I didn't even get her name though. We finally made it and Matt parked at the same spot we did last time since the place was surprisingly empty. I got out and closed the door and saw Matt did the same before locking the car,I gave him a confused look and he stared at me with an eyebrow raised "I am coming with you" he said as a matter if factly "what!?"I yell and started protesting on his idea "yes I am" he said, grabbing my backpack and started walking through the place. I sigh,looking up the sky and notice that it was getting cloudy which was weird since it was sunny earlier. It might rain later but I shrug the thought and followed Matt

We walk and walk through the forest until I stop,getting tired and he notices "what's up?" He ask,raising an eyebrow as I pant slightly "I'm tired" I state and just my luck,it started raining "what?!"I yell out as Matt tried to calm me down "over there" I pointed out to a tunnel and we ran there. I bend down a bit since it was a bit smaller than me which means Matt was having a hard time and decided to crawl. We both sat down across each other as I watch the rain pour down heavily "its goin down for real" I whisper to myself but it seems that Matt heard me since he started humming the tune

We stayed there until the rain slowed down and finally stopped which was an hour or so. Look to the other side of the tunnel as curiosity befell on me and I started to slowly make my way to it "hey Y/N," Matt calls but I ignored him as he continues to call me and finally gives up and follows me. As I got out of the tunnel, I let out an amazed sound as Matt did too. A smile crept on my face as I take in the view,the trees were live and big, the leaves were green and little raindrops adorned it. The sun was shining from above but it wasn't hot since the tall trees created shades with only little light peaking through some openings of the trees

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