Chapter 9

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I quit writing names for the chapter

Izumi POV

I shook hands with Matt before breaking him out. I grab his wrist and ran away before the elves could catch us. I made a right turn and made a mistake as a guard elf spotted us and called for back up "If you were able to get in,how could you get caught going out?!" Matt asked in rage as I rolled her eyes "who said I got in without getting caught?" I ask sarcastically as we continued to run and finally found the gate out. Stan suddenly appeared in front of us,trying to block and I clashed swords with him before kicking him and running out

"Close the gates!" He demanded to Luke as the latter quickly tried to close the gates. I grab Matt's hand and slid in the small gap as we made it and ran to where I left my horse. We quickly got on before the elves catches up to us and fled back to KKK

~~~~No one POV~~~~

Cartman walked back and forth in his room with princess Kenny,waiting for Izumi to come back with the other human "what is taking her so long-" Cartman complained mid-way before the doors opened,revealing a tired looking Izumi and a panting boy. Princess Kenny blushed a pink hue at the sight of the boy as Cartman smirks at Izumi's way "well well well,you're finally here. Now,was it easy?" Cartman teased as Izumi glared at him "oh sure,it was a piece of cake." Izumi said with sarcasm lacing her voice

Cartman growled before turning his gaze to the raven haired boy who has just got his composure back. Matt turned his gaze to the princess "Why is he wearing a gown?" Matt jabbed his thumb to Kenny's direction as Izumi elbowed his stomach hard "mmhp mnh mh mhhnm" Kenny asked in a muffled voice "nothing! He didn't say anything,Princess Kenny" Izumi said in a hurry as she shook her hands frantically as if to say 'it was nothing'

Cartman snickered before returning his attention to the boy at hand "so, What thou art is thy name of thee?" He gestured towards Matt as the latter pointed at himself. Izumi nodded as Matt sighed "Im Matt Kami,what else do you wanna know?"

(*inhales sharply* Kami in Japanese is 'God' and is also 'Paper' I named him 'Kami' because from the creators of SP,Matt's last name is Stone. Don't take anything of this seriously,it just came out of my mind)

"Well Matt,we heard that you came from somewhere else and we want to help you. I bet that Rat-ass,Lying elf didn't try to help you,heck he was after your girlfriend,right?" Cartman smirks smugly as Matt's expression turned from confusion to anger "ex! I don't want her anymore,she can go f*ck him. I just wanna go back where I belong" Matt crossed his arms "ooh~ but don't you want at least revenge for everything she's done? I mean,she was the reason why you're here in the first place,right?"

Matt put on a thinking look before glancing back at the fat-ass before him (Cartman: HEY!) "Fine,what's the catch?" Matt asks,narrowing his eyes at Cartman "you're sharper than I thought. I can't believe that stupid elf didn't see the potential in you! You are so much more than you think,I want you to fight with us. We have the stick and we can bring you back to your home but we need the gem of strength  for the power of the stick is too much for mere mortals like us" Cartman explained

Matt raised his brow "fight?" "Yes,fight. The elves have the gem and if they get the stick,they can control the universe! Those dirty rats will bring destruction here in this peaceful land and we want to keep this place just the way it is"

"But your face says otherwise" Izumi whispered but others heard as Cartman yelled at her

"So,who's gonna teach me?" Matt asked as the room got silent and the three looks at each other


"Matt,I am going to show you...the dragon shout" Izumi said as she posed,imitating a dragon "hold up! Hold up! A girl can't perform the dragon shout,it would look very... you know...whatever! Still,Izumi,you should not like it to learn the dragon shout!" Cartman butted in as he started teaching Matt the dragon shout

"First,breathe in through your butthole,let it rumble...and..."


A large Gary was released as Izumi pinned her nose and Matt stared with his mouth slightly agape "dude! That's gross!! No way! Nuh-uh No no" he protested as Cartman pushed him to the center. Izumi tried stiffle a laugh as Matt glared at her. She shuts up and Matt did the impossible


Izumi led Matt to his room and left him there,lying on the bed,almost lifeless from all the training

Another day for tomorrow and overmorrow


Sorry this was short but I didn't know what else to write. I'll make it up to you guys on the next chapter

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