Chapter 26

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Curiosity killed the cat,but satisfaction bought it back. That's how the saying goes but people didn't always come back after being curious. Sometimes curiosity bought them over to their insanity but in my case, I don't even know.

The figure started to have a form and into an old guy with a red hair and beard. Eyes soft as flowers and green as fresh leaves. With a wave of the staff,me and princess Kenny glowed brighter. I started feeling stronger, my wounds seemed to heal up in warmth and my stomach didn't feel so twisted anymore. I didn't know if princess Kenny also felt so too

Once the glowing stops,he looks around,his delighted face stopping into displeased and with another wave of his staff. The whole place was set in a windstorm of a clean-up. The elves and humans all look in good condition and started waking up, the ruined land all grew and got better, some the other beings had come to see what was happening.

"What has happened over the past years after the incident?" A humble voice said.

I flinch,we were bought back to the ground. The man's presence had been quite pressuring,he had an aura of high status,like a god that makes you feel all his power and would bow down. I kept my position straight but princess Kenny's eyes widen and she kneels as I had thought of. I hesitated and stood my ground.

"You,what is going on?" He said, pretty sure he blames me for the mess and pretty sure that was meant to be harsh but it didn't. I didn't know what to say,honestly, I've come this far but I've never ever knew myself what was happening. Maybe I'm high? But I've never taken anything except edible and good food.

"Uhm," I stutter out "s-sir," I said, though he stops me by raising a hand with a look of humor "please,call me Gerard,"

I nod "Gerard,not to be rude but I actually don't know what happens myself. This place has been ruined by me yeah but-" I was once again stopped by 'Gerard' as he raises his hand "I can see you hold half the power of the stick,my son must be giving you a hard time,aye?"

I thought about it for a moment,son? Who? He does have a resemblance to Kyle,plus he did say something about the stick and a hard time. Half the power of the stick being in me did give me a hard time.

"You're son," I said "is it Kyle? Or," hesitating,I waited for him to answer. He nods pleasingly as he lowers to the ground and towards us. For a moment there,princes Kenny was on the ground for a long time that I had forgotten about her until she was told to stand up.

"My,my. Princess Kenny,it has been a long time,yes?" Gerard said "I did not think you were still alive,your highness." Princess Kenny sounded unhappy about this though. She clenched her hands. I stare at him in surprise.

"I am not alive. I have not survive the incident between me and Alfor, but the stick didn't leave me in peace after that. It took my soul and imprisoned me in it,I can only be truly at peace when the stick itself will find a true home," he said.

"I need you to find that for me,dear" he added but it left me dumb-struck. Where would you hide the stick where it would be left untouched? Somewhere where no one can touch it,in the deepest and dark part of the ocean inside a cave? On the tallest and steepest mountain? Buried beneath a big 'ol tree in a forest filled with nasty creature? Or maybe on top of a rainbow where unicorns will protect it and stab people who will try to take it using their horns while they have a smile with shining eyes on their faces? Yeah,the last one was definitely an option.

But alas,none of them had been good places "I don't know where,the place either is too easy to go through or has flaws," he smiled "child,Every one has flaws. But I think I know where to store the sticks ability,not in the kingdom though. We're not making that mistake again. How would you like to take on the full control if the stick?" He ask

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now