Chapter 19- Memories

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Kyle ordered his fellow elf warriors to start stocking some arrows,create potions and poisons. A war was what Wizard fat-ass asked for and he was gonna get it

(Oh look! A few alliteration)


Y/N lied on the dirty floor with straws sticking to her hair,she wasn't feeling well not did she feel safe. She needed to get out of here but she didn't know how

Looking around,there was nothing here but straws,dirt and bars. She had to figure out something


Matt stood by Eric's side,looking a bit concerned,he was starting to rethink his life choices. A month ago,he was just accompanying Y/N at South Park's forest and before they knew it

They were attacked and events happened. All he wanted to do was make sure Y/N was safe again,he still loved her even with all the misunderstandings

They could've gone well together but he would just unintentionally let his anger take charge of him, Y/N wouldn't listen and he would get mad

He sighed, regretting those times where he could've changed everything. Those chances where he could have gotten a better future than this but he didn't notice

He slumped his back while using his sword for support. Cartman's maniac laugh abruptly stops as he eyes Matt from the corner of his eyes

"What's wrong with you?" He ask discreetly "hmm? Nothing,nothing... just...thinking..." he said though it sounded like something,Cartman believed it

"Oh Matt! We are gonna rule this world and paint it in our own art,just think about it. A better and bigger place for us. It would all be so magnificent" Cartman sighed in content

"Hehe,yeah..." Matt gave a nervous laugh while scratching his nape. He stood up straight and coughed nervously "well, I'm gonna go for a walk"

Without waiting for an answer,he walks out of the room as Cartman just watch his plan replay in his head and continuous to laugh maniacally

Matt sighed as he walks to the halls of the palace,a lot of things were swimming in his mind. He needed to sort his priorities but...what was his priorities

He remembered Y/N. How her gentle smile would melt his heart,how her laugh sounded like music to his ears, her hair how would fall over her face and she would push it back with her delicate and soft fingers

How she would try to make everyone happy,how she would stay strong when she was in pain,how she kept her priorities straight. Her priorities...

She was his priority,and she still is until now.

A little FlashBack of your history with Matt

Matt sighed sadly as he walks to school,his bag slung over his shoulder. He was gonna put up with the same routine every day

Put on a smile,joke around and act like everything's ok

Of course,he would do all that on his own will if that day hadn't come. He was only twelve when a fire burned down his house,his only home

He could remember that day so vividly, how his mom desperately called for him to run,how her sister was sprawled on the floor,dead. She was knocked out when the room fell on her

They were all that he had. They were planning on having dinner all together that night like every day. They were having his favorite pasta

But the stove was accidentally left on. How the flames licked the walls and burned everything it touched

The police and firemen took his arms and tried to get him away but he struggled against their hold and ran away with tears flowing out of his eyes

He ran away,screaming his lungs out. He stopped by the riverbank and hid under the bridge, he hugged his knees and didn't bother to wipe his eyes

He watched his reflection on the water, how he looked pathetic,his clothes were dirty and slightly burned. Scratches and minor injuries impaled on his skin

But none of that mattered,his appearance was the last thing that he needed to think about

How was he gonna survive? How could he even live without them? That was when he spotted Y/N watching the house on fire at the other side of the river

Her eyes had a look of mixed feelings that he couldn't tell. As if she didn't care wile she was shocked and sad

His eyes fixated on her,she was wearing a jacket for the supposedly chilly night but with the fire burning near by,she didnt need to but soon the fire would die down

Her eyes wandered around until her E/C eyes spotted his. That time he felt numb and couldn't feel a thing

His body aches,he was breathing at an uneven speed. He didn't notice her running up towards him from the bridge and slid down under it until he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder that made him flinch

"Hey- I'm sorry,did I scare you?" She ask with an angelic voice. He just have a glance with his now dull azure eyes. He nods a little and Y/N gives a small smile

"Are you okay?" Again,she ask and receives another nod. He eventually got dragged to Y/N's house where her mom nursed him and let him stay until he was old enough to live at an apartment which was just recently

Even though Y/N's mom didn't mind him staying at their house for her. He was like family now

Matt owed Y/N front he start of that day,the memory still haunts him and Y/N would comfort him even if they weren't in good terms

That's when he realized,Y/N's Matt's priority

He owed her his life,and he was going to repay it one day

Before Matt realized it,he was standing at the middle of the dungeon,supposedly where Y/N was. He heard curses and followed it

Just as he expects it,Y/N was there trying to find a way to break out. He steps forward and crouch down,height level face to face with her

She eventually notices and looks up with a grumpy face which definitely didn't suit her. He remembered that time when he stole her ice cream and she wouldn't talk to him for weeks until he bought her another

The memory made him smile in content. Oh how he missed those days

"What do you want?" Y/N spat, snapping him out of his thoughts. His smile faltered as he saw Y/N's condition,she was a mess. A beautiful mess

But she looked like she and lived on the streets for days. He sometimes thought of just going back to the way things used to be but that was impossible now

Tears started to drop from Y/N's eyes as she looked miserable behind bars,she hung her head low. Matt slowly reached up to her and held her cheek gently as if he was holding a thin glass that would easily break

He wiped her tears off with his thumb and whispered softly "Oh how I miss the old days" that was it. He was done following Cartman around and hurting the angel of his life

With a determined look,he stood up and stomped back to Cartman's room

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