Chapter 2-Going back

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off,seeing that it was almost time to go to school. It had already been a few weeks after that time in the forest and my foot had healed,I hadn't been for that forest in a while now and had been having troubles with both my boyfriend and school. Gosh! I just wanna go and run away,leave everything behind. I start my morning routine and bid my parents before running off to school. I didn't want to see Matt so this was the only option

Living at East Park isn't all that great actually. The school building came to view and I ran further,most students were talking with their friends at their lockers and most were heading to class when I got there. I went to my locker and got my stuff before heading to my homeroom as the bell rings. I sit on my chair as class begins

Lunch Skip~:~:~:~

The lunch bell rings as everyone ran out of the room. I went out and put my stuff in my locker,as I close it,I slightly jump in surprise "Matt! What are you doing here?" I ask in slight annoyance tracing my voice "listen,I'm sorry about yesterday,can you forgive me?" He ask sincerely. At first my face soften before it hardened in anger "no! What you did was unforgivable,I'm sorry Matt but this isn't just working anymore,I'm breaking up with you" I said,raising my voice and he flinch before furrowing his eyebrows "well I could find someone better than you anyway! We're through! Britney was better in bed" he said before stomping off,I was hurt,mad and sad at the same time. Even though we never did sleep together,those words hurt like a bitch. Who cares? I'm done with that asshole

I walk to the cafeteria and saw my friends there already,talking among themselves happily,its been awhile too when we've all hang out together. I walk up to them smiling and they notice me "what's up,Y/N?" Michele ask in her high pitch voice,I sat next to Eve as she smiles at me "nothing,just wanted to hang out with you guys after a while" I said and look at Anne who was about to ask me something "how's you and Matt?" She ask and my smile slightly falter which made them frown,I pull of a wide smile "well I broke up with him just now,he was a jerk anyways" I said and they smile slightly "serves him right,he doesn't deserve you anyway,so what are you guys up to next week?" Evan said and we all stare at him in confusion except for Eve who laughs a little "dude,we don't have class next week since the whole building will be borrowed by the basket ball players to stay in,pretty lit, right?" She said as we all smiled

"I should go visit my grandma after a long time" Michele said,followed by Eve "I'd rather stay at my house with my beloved TV" she said "me and Anne are going to North Park for a vacation with our parents" Evan said,they were siblings so it was natural for them to go together

I thought about going to that forest again,I really can't get this curiosity off my head. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Matt. I grunt and glare at him "what!?" I spat as I glare at him and I saw him flinch "I wanted to say sorry for earlier,you know things got more complicated,I never meant what I said, please take me back" he said and apologised,I roll my eyes. I was never the girl who would just take anyone back after they'd made things clear. I scoff "no thanks" I said

Time Skip~sorry for the time skips

I sat in my room at my house,it was noon and my parents were out. I was left alone with nothing to do except for taking a nap so that's what I did. I close my eyes and saw the same person from that night. This time,he wasn't smiling,he looked sad and lonely as if he was waiting for someone. I shot open my eyes and painted slightly 'a dream'  I thought as I look at the clock at the drawer beside me. 12:01 am,my parents are probably home by now and in bed. I rub my eye slightly and sat up,dangling my legs to the edge of the bed. I look through my shoulder and see the same bright moon, but this moon was slightly yellow. I brush of my thought and stood up,stretching as I did before walking out of the room and in the kitchen,getting a glass of water. I drank it and lean my back on the sink, I stare out the window and see trees, weird since there weren't trees here at East Park,the only trees I've seen were the ones when we went camping. I decided to go and investigate so I put on my shoes and walk out,not thinking about getting cold or something. I stare at disbelief when all I see was trees invaded by darkness. I look behind me and see that my house wasn't there anymore. I started panicking,breathing heavily and frantically looking around for any signs of escape. That was it,I was lost...again!!

I sat on the ground,curled up and sobbing. I didn't know what was happening and this was the only thing I could do. I sniff and that was when I heard a voice suddenly,it was like the wind speaking to me though,as of it was trying to comfort me. I pull my head up from my knees and search for the voice but found no one "who's there?" I ask frightened by this "don't be afraid,I'll always protect you" it said,soothingly. I didn't know but I started to calm down "that's it,I will always keep watch on you"it said again,mostly people would freak out if they heard someone say that to them but I didn't,instead I followed its instructions

"Close your eyes," it said and I did "now, wake up" it said and before I knew it,I woke up in my bed as the sun was shining from above "a...dream?" I said out loud

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