Chapter 16

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What? What?! So the reason that people didn't want to go near me was because I had some sort of super powers?

The reason why weird things happened was because of half the stick's power in me?

I have to admit,that is pretty cool

I mean,who wouldn't want to have powers and then do anything you want

People who understands the greed when having powers would

But still,half of my life I've spent on my own because people thought I was cursed

I lived my whole childhood alone until I managed to lead how keep my powers low

I...I don't know what to say...

I watch as Kyle gives me an apologetic look to my surprised and perplexed one

"Y/N...I-" he started but I cut him-off. I mean,I can't blame him. I have to stop and think. He didn't mean to make half of my life hell,he tried to help but still,if he didn't know how to then he shouldn't have done it

But then again....

I am completely fighting myself right now

"N-No! No,its okay,Kyle. You didn't mean to,I know that. You were just trying to help. I just...I just need some time to think" I explained,starting bite on my thumb. A habit of mine when I'm in deep thought

Kyle sighs "I'll leave you for a while then"

He walks out

I don't know why but he just left me in his room. He's probably thinking the same thing

Suddenly,I ran out of the room. Burst open the door and made my way out of the castle

I hear Kyle call for me but I didn't stop,it didn't seem like he tried to catch up which I was thankful for but I'm pretty sure he'll eventually look for me later

I ran out of the gates,pass through Luke who tried to call out my name in confusion

I ran into the forest,the sun was still up high in the sky. My breathing chickens as I try to compose it. I finally stop at a cliff and lean against a tree

I pant heavily,you can't really blame me that I haven't been exercising much but I've been completely healthy...I think

The view up here was nice,I can see KKK surrounded by trees

Greens,greens,nothing but greens

I rest my forehead on my arms. This shouldn't be hard,right?

I mean,Kyle didn't mean it but how would you feel if someone you trust so much has been the reason why half of your life has been hell?

But he tried to help

He should've thought of another way

There is no other way

Then he should've let me stay with him

He can't do that

He had to do the right thing

And the right thing was to cast magic in me?

It was an accident

He felt sorry for his mistake

I dont think so


For all we know,this could've been part of his plan

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now