Chapter 8- Enemy or Foe

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Izumi POV

I walk in a fast pace at the halls and to Fat-ass's room. I open the double doors and surprisingly,Princess Kenny was there "Izumi,I have called you here today for-" I cut him off. Waving a hand frantically as I said "yeah yeah yeah,cut to the chase already,Fat-ass. Seriously,I don't have time for this" I growl as his eyebrows furrow in displease and anger

"You do not talk to me like that,bitch!" He yells as I just pick in my ear,bored. Princess Kenny stifles a laughter from beside him. Cartman glared at

Cartman sighed in frustration "what I want you to do is sneak inside the Elven Kingdom" he stated. I whistle in interest but mostly amusement "have you heard that the girl you reported about,isn't the only one who got here" he grins as I raise an eyebrow with a hand on my hip

I didn't really get where he was going with this,but then again,most of his schemes worked out well for the kingdom so I wasn't going to complain "right now,that person is under the hands of the elves,imprisoned in their dungeon,fetch him for me,I want to make a deal with this bastard" he turns his chair,facing the other side as me and Princess Kenny exchange looks of confusion

But either way,I made my way outside and got my trusted buddy,Cattalion. Settling on before making my way out of The Kingdom of Kupa Keep and to the Elven Kingdom. The breeze hit against my skin making me shiver as my hair flows behind me. I speed up until I spot the Elven Kingdom in my sight. There was only one elf guarding the gates Typical elves,they never learn,do they?

I quietly sneak up behind him without being noticed and climb the gates with my hood up. Landing insoluble successfully without making too much sound as I quickly hide behind a barrel. Some elves pass by but didn't notice me as I start to move into the kingdom,I quickly climb on the walls and slip in the windowless sill

I sneak around,looking for a way into their dungeon but...not before I explore A bit. I skip happily among the halls,giggling at their magnificent decor. Those elves really outdone themselves,I hid in a corridor as some elf maid pass by,probably to hand out those towels to the elf king or something. I went in some room, probably a used guest room and start to wander around the place "I wonder if this is that human girl's room"

Just on cue,the door clicks open and I quickly Crawl under the bed. Footsteps were made as they walk to the bed,a sweat rolls down my cheeks


I went in my room with Marina following behind,we were really making a huge progress and she was really proud of it. I walk up to my bed as Marina kept on going on and on about how she manage to do such cool stuff with her magic. I laugh at her enthusiasm "well Marina,I am very proud of you and am glad that I chose you. You're really helping me with a lot-" I stop mid sentence as I heard a cough

Izumi POV

Oh shit. I cough and quickly cover my mouth. Y/N and who she calls Marina fell quiet,they clearly heard me and I blew my cover! No worries,they haven't found me yet so all I have to do is hide somewhere else when she kneels and looks under the bed

The sheets of the bed were pulled up as I quickly got out. Y/N and Marina were looking under the bed as I stood there,unnoticed. I quickly took this chance to get out and run away. I open the door and quickly get out before closing it. I felt hitting something and look up to see the Elf king himself and his best Warrior!

"You! What w you doing here?!" Stan glared at me as I put up my hands in defeat before smirking "relax~ I just wanted to visit the other human myself,that's not illegal,is it?" I stare at him as his gaze hardens "no but trespassing is" he swings his sword at me flexibly as I dodge it by my triple back flip and run away,down the stairs as he chases after me

I took a right as he was still hot on my tail. I click my tongue before taking sharp turns,I took a right and saw him already there,wearing a smug look "Izumi,I live in this kingdom,of course I'd know which way to use and where it ends" he teases as I smirk nervously "well wow wie" I ran back to the path I took and he follows

After I made sure I lost him,I took a deep breath and exhale. I slowly start to walk as I came down to a dungeon, most cells were empty while others held unconscious citizens of ours. Some were elves that probably broke their law or whatever. I continue to walk until I heard grunting (don't get any wrong ideas!) I follow the voice and smirk victoriously of what I found

There lied the human I was looking for. Black hair,icy-blue eyes and outfit slightly worn out and dirtied "hey" I whisper quietly but made sure he heard. He slowly sits up as his eyes met mine "what do you want?" He spat at me as I scoff "acting tough on your situation,huh? Something I would expect from a stubborn person like you. I wonder what that fat-ass wants with you" I say the last part to myself as he looks at me confused

"I hate repeating myself but...what do you want?" He asks,a little softer this time "well,I'm here to break you out... that's if,you cooperate with me and KKK" I stated "KKK?" he repeats "yeah,Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Its the kingdom of beings like me," I take out a strand of my hair aside to show him my ear which were not sharp "humans,I mean"

He stares at me for a few seconds before sighing "very well,anything to get out of here" he answers as I hold out my hand and he shakes it "deal then"

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