Chapter 14

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Kyle POV

I can't believe this! I slam my fist to my table,pain shooting through my hand. No signs of Y/N everywhere! What does those humans want with her??! GAH,I am so gonna kill fatass for this!! I swear if he even touches a hair out of Y/N,I will-

Someone knocks on the door,the golden knob turns as its pushed to reveal my best fighter and best friend, Stan. I turn to him from where I was standing,rage and worry still present on my features as I look at him "well? Did you find her?" I ask him

He shook his head whilst it lays low on his neck "I'm sorry,we can't find her anywhere,the humans absolutely have her. I'm sorry,My King. It was suppose to be me that was looking out for her since I bought her here but..."

My gaze soften as I heard that from him "its okay,Stan. I'm sure she'll be safe,she's a strong person after all" I sure hope thats right. I don't doubt Y/N but she is new here,I just hope nothing wrong has happened

Everything wrong has already happened though

Fatass having the stick
Y/N captured
What's next?

"Hmmm,we could call her" Stan suggested,thinking about it. My head snapped at him "what?"

"You know,Dirty blonde hair,purple eyes-" Stan started describing the person. TBH Stan,I know who you mean "I know who you mean! But what for?" I ask

Stan gave me a knowing look "she could go and see if Y/N ok,we can't just let her go save her immediately. It would be too risky". I started thinking about it "so what you mean is make her like a messenger? Isn't she a thief?"

"I'm sure she can do just that,unless you want zero to no chance of knowing how Y/N is doing" Stan's tempting me! I pout "you dare"

He then laughs before saying "I'll go send her a message?"

I sigh "fine"






??? POV

I speed up my pace,jumping from brunch to brunch. I was called today by an old friend. I wonder what they're up to~

I smirk as the palace place comes on view. I'll just let myself in!

I jump from a big tree and up over the brick wall. But of course I didn't jump high enough so instead of jumping over,I hit the wall. An unsatisfying crack was heard as I was sure that my body marked the wall. Well this will surely go to history

I twitch slightly before gravity decided to be a prick and pull me down with a loud thud. A little crater below me as I continued to twitch in shock and pain

I heard the gates creak open and running footsteps coming my way. I still didn't recover from my impact as I let whoever the person was,carry me inside. I was pretty sure it was an elf guard anyways

I didn't see where we were but he put me on a comfy bed and left. Soon,I heard a pair of feet come in and stand on my bedside. I feel their eyes look at me as I keep my eyes closed

Finally finding the motivation to open my eyes. I slowly peak them open as I spot two familiar faces. I sat up whilst holding my head,it still hurts though

I heard Kyle sigh "seriously,still reckless as always. I don't even know if I should still send you on a quest" Kyle shook his head

"Don't worry,I can still can" I said nonchalantly with a straight face and a thumb up whilst my head started squirting blood from the top"NO YOU SERIOUSLY CANT"

I held the top of my head to stop the bleeding and as I did,I felt the blood stick to my dirty blond hair. I held a thumb up again and said with a straight face "don't worry,I'm fine"

"As if!" Kyle yelled. He took a deep sigh before saying "I guess it can't be helped. Take some rest. Stan,can you go get a medic to mend her head?"

Stan nods and went on ahead to go get a medic

Kyle then turns back to me "Welcome back,Creeklin"


Creeklin's POV (Welcome to the club bro)

I lie there on the bed that I owned before I left on a journey. It was a quest! To find myself...

The medic had wrapped my head with a bandage and told me to rest. It's been a long time since I've been back here in the Elven Kingdom and it seems like nothing has changed

I decided to walk around more since it didn't hurt like it did before. I sat up,swinging my black,ripped up jeans (that I stole from the other world XD) to the bed side. My combat boots meet the floor as I stood up and as if on cue, the door opens to reveal Stan with a knowing look "I thought you were suppose to rest" he said,shaking his head

"I did,how's it been here at the kingdom?" I ask nonchalantly "it's been fine,fatass still caught the stick though. Also,we have a new friend, she comes from the other world and just stumbled here. That's why you're here actually,we need you to send a message to her from us since the Grand Wizard took her. We don't know why they took her but Kyle is really worried. We also can't let you just take her back,it's too risky"

I nod in understanding "so an assassin to a messager" I told him with my stoic look "Yeah probably"

I held my chin to think "I could work with that". Stan smiles "thanks,"

"Can I have a walk though?" I ask Stan as he answers with a nod. I walk from the halls,to the village whilst waving at the villagers with a straight face

I made it to the back of the kingdom's secret garden and checked for any elves around. None. Good "you can come out now"

Btw you should've known that I would always be like this
( ° ω ° ) "fuu"

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now